ADF: Boy Scouts Capitulate to Homosexual Activists

From Alliance Defending Freedom:

“For over a century, the Boy Scouts have stood strong and represented the essence of what makes America great. Going against its longstanding membership policy, the Boy Scouts of America Executive Committee has now decided to push forward a resolution allowing members to be of any “sexual orientation or preference.” This is only the beginning of a sea change, as those promoting this agenda won’t rest until there is complete acceptance of any sexual preference for both leaders and members. This is no compromise; it is capitulation, plain and simple. The Boy Scouts must remember that the Constitution protects–and the Supreme Court has affirmed–their freedom to promote and practice the values that have served to shape our nation’s boys into leaders for well over 100 years.”

Read more here.

ACLU Lawsuit Aims to Thwart the Will of the People

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

On Tuesday Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement in response to a press announcement that the ACLU plans to file suit against the State of Arkansas over Act 301, the fetal-heartbeat law sponsored by Senator Jason Rapert.

“This is a good law,” said Jerry Cox. “All it says is that, barring certain instances, an abortion cannot be performed after the twelfth week of pregnancy if a fetal heartbeat is detected. A heartbeat is the number-one way we determine whether someone is alive. If an unborn baby has a heartbeat, that baby is alive, and his or her life should not be taken.”


Ask the FCC to Say ‘No’ to Obscenity on Television

The FCC is considering lifting its longstanding policies against nudity on broadcast TV.

The commission is accepting comments on the proposed policy changes. To ask the FCC to maintain its current policies against nudity and expletives, do the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter “13-86” in the “Proceeding Number” box, and fill out the required information.
  3. Submit your comment asking the FCC not to change its policies on nudity and expletives on TV.
  4. Ask your friends to do the same.

You can read the proposed policy changes here. In a nutshell, the commission is considering adopting a new standard permitting “isolated expletives” and “isolated (non-sexual) nudity” on broadcast television. Please contact the FCC, and ask them not to make these changes.