Mena Star Republishes Pro-Marijuana Puff Piece, Fails to Mention Drug’s Dangers

Earlier this month The Mena Star republished a pro-marijuana news column on its website.

The Mena Star covers state and local news for Polk County. The column originally appeared on the website

The column claims that “Besides smoking for pleasure, many use marijuana for medical reasons, including the relief of chronic pain, insomnia, nausea, tremors associated with Parkinson’s Disease, and anxiety.” However, it fails to cite any scientific evidence that marijuana actually helps alleviate these conditions.

The article also claims that marijuana legalization “has been a boon for government coffers” in states where it is legal. However, it fails to mention that legalization has forced states to spend taxpayer dollars on enforcement and that recreational marijuana has actually further fueled illegal drug activity in states like Oregon and California.

The news column also completely fails to mention that marijuana use is linked to deadly heart disease and stroke as well as schizophrenia and psychosis.

The article implies that Arkansas could somehow benefit from legalizing marijuana, but it ignores this basic fact: Marijuana may be many things, but “harmless” simply is not one of them.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Illegal Marijuana Continues to Be a Problem in California Despite Legalization

Illegal marijuana continues to be a serious problem in California despite legalization.

For example, KRON 4 News out of San Francisco recently reported on 20 illegal marijuana grow houses busted in a single county. Watch that news segment below.

California created a legal framework for growing and selling marijuana in order to weaken drug cartels’ power in the state, but instead their illegal marijuana farms have grown.

Unfortunately, California isn’t alone.

Oregon was among the first states to legalize marijuana. At the time, many believed legalization would eliminate the black market and reduce drug crimes. Instead the opposite happened.

Oregon has been inundated by industrial scale marijuana cultivation sites operated illegally by organized crime and drug cartels.

Some of these marijuana operations are tied to labor trafficking and violent crime.

Authorities in Oregon reportedly seized some 105 tons of illicit marijuana last year.

It’s worth pointing out that if Arkansas had passed Issue 4 last November, our marijuana laws arguably would be more lax than Oregon’s and California’s in many ways. Fortunately, voters rejected that measure at the ballot box.

Contrary to popular belief, legalization does not decrease drug-related crime, and it does not alleviate drug abuse. If anything, it seems to make those problems worse.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.