World’s Top Authority on Morning-After Pill Says It May Cause Abortions


[O]ne of the world’s leading authorities on the drug has said doctors have a duty to inform women that it could prevent a newly-conceived embryo from implanting in the womb, causing an abortion.

Dr. James Trussell, Director of Princeton’s Office of Population Research, makes the statement in an academic review on the drug dated February 2013 and co-authored with Dr. Elizabeth G. Raymond.

“To make an informed choice, women must know that [emergency contraceptive pills] … prevent pregnancy primarily by delaying or inhibiting ovulation and inhibiting fertilization, but may at times inhibit implantation of a fertilized egg in the endometrium,” they write.

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Arkansas House of Representatives Makes Pro-Life History

A Note From the Desk of Family Council President Jerry Cox

On Thursday the Arkansas House of Representatives made history by passing three pro-life bills in the same afternoon. Not many years ago, we had to work very hard just to find a legislator who would introduce a pro-life bill. Over the years, Arkansas has become the fourth most pro-life state in the nation with Democrats controlling both houses of the legislature. Today, Republicans are in the majority and we’re enjoying great bi-partisan success on this issue.
