It’s Time to Raise the Lottery’s Scholarship Percentage

During the 2011 legislative session, we worked with Rep. Ann Clemmer to raise the percentage of lottery proceeds that go to scholarships. Back then, we discovered that only about 21% of the lottery’s proceeds were being allotted for scholarships, and we decided this needed to change. After all, if we’re going to have the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery, surely it should do a better job living up to its name. Even though the scholarship proposal wasn’t successful, Rep. Clemmer did a great job showing the legislature that there was a positive path to take on this issue.

Now, as the 2013 legislative session approaches, we still have the same problem—our so-called “scholarship” lottery is not performing as promised. As a matter of fact, the percentage of lottery proceeds going to scholarships is still around 21%. Something needs to be done, and we hope the upcoming session will be the time to do it.

Of course, critics of mandating a scholarship percentage will cite recent news as a primary reason why we can’t raise it. They’ll say, “The lottery is taking in less money now. If we mandate a percentage, lottery revenue will decrease because we’ll have less for things like advertising, and scholarships will go down as a result.” Here’s the truth: Even if overall lottery revenue decreased as a result of raising the scholarship percentage, more could still be paid out in scholarships. Click here to read how.

Let’s raise the lottery’s scholarship percentage and put more money towards the program’s intended purpose. The students will benefit from such a proposal, and the lottery will get some necessary accountability in its spending. It’s a win-win scenario.

Group Announces Plan to Legalize Same-Sex “Marriage” in Arkansas

A group has announced plans to legalize same-sex marriage in Arkansas.

The group Arkansans for Equality says it plans to launch a petition drive to overturn Arkansas’ marriage amendment. According to its website, the group also wants to legalize same-sex marriage in Arkansas.

Arkansas’ marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman passed with 75% of the vote in 2004. You can watch for Jerry on KARK channel 4 news tonight to discuss this story.

Staff Member Gets Offensive Call From Medical Marijuana Supporter

Staff member Christa Adams received a phone call from a supporter of medical marijuana today. Here is a brief summary from Christa about what he told her.

  • He said that I was uneducated. “Anyone who even has a GED would know what this law would be good for. You obviously don’t know anything, or how to do any research.”
  • He said that I should go to hell (and so should Jerry). “You are not a Christian. You don’t have any compassion for people. You need to go to hell because you hate people. Jerry Cox needs to go to hell, too.”
  • “You’re just a b*tch. You shouldn’t be allowed in society.”
  • “I hope you can’t sleep tonight, that you just lay there thinking about how you’re going to hell because you’re not worth anything.”
  • He said that I’m prideful and think I’m better than everyone else. “You’re so prideful that you think you know more than the voters. You think that you should be the dictator telling everyone in Arkansas what’s good for them. Why do you think that you’re so much smarter than everyone else, especially when you’re an uneducated b*tch.”
  • He said that I’m also not a Christian because, “Jesus stayed the hell out of politics and you should too. Being a Christian should have nothing to do with what happens in politics. You should read that Bible that you’ve never looked at, if you can even understand it.”
  • At the end of his offensive rant, he said, “But because I’m a Christian, I hope you have a nice day and God bless.” According to Scripture, his behavior seemed the opposite of how Christians should act. Christians don’t tell people to go to hell, or wish hell upon others, or call people obscene names.

I’ve listed a couple verses below; the bolded parts were added by me for emphasis to make a point.

“He [the Lord] is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” – 2 Peter 3:9

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” – Ephesians 4:29