Fayetteville Prayer Vigil Greeted with Sprinklers, Vulgar Music

Yesterday, 40 Days for Life kicked off in Little Rock and Fayetteville. This morning, I received the following email from Shawn Carney, one of the national directors for 40 Days for Life:

The people who arrived for the 40 Days for Life kickoff event outside the abortion center in Fayetteville got a bit of a surprise — a brand-new sprinkler system, with the sprinkler heads pointed directly at the prayer volunteers.

“The owner of the business complex turned the sprinklers on as soon as we set up all our equipment,” said Tiffany in Fayetteville. “And they kept the sprinklers on for two hours.”


Ohio Bill Would Prevent Abortion After Heartbeat Detected

The Ohio legislature is weighing some notable pro-life legislation.

HB125 would prevent abortion in Ohio once a doctor can detect the unborn child’s heartbeat. The bill passed the Ohio House of Representatives earlier this year, but has not been assigned to a Senate Committee. If passed, it would be one of the strongest pro-life bills in the country.

You can read the text of the bill here.