Gay Activists Won’t Let Glenwood Methodist Church Look the Other Way

“Just look the other way.  If you have moral objections, you don’t have to participate. Just live and let live.”

That’s what Christians have been told over and over again.  When we’ve objected to risqué shows on TV, they told us to change the channel.  When communities oppose adult-oriented businesses, they tell us to just drive on by.  The makers of violent videogames urge people who don’t like the games not to play them.

Well now that’s not good enough. Gay activists recently announced plans to host an event at Magic Springs theme park on Gay Pride Day. When the First Methodist Church of Glenwood urged its members to just drive on by Magic Springs, they were shouted down.

The church Facebook page simply said, “Please avoid taking your children to Magic Springs on June 30th.  It is LGBT Pride Day.”

Gay activists immediately attacked the church claiming they had said LGBT individuals are going to Hell.   Of course the church never implied such a thing, but biased news reports and the nature of social media comments prompted the church to shut down its Facebook page and refuse media interviews.

Now, let’s stop and think for a minute.  If the church had urged its members to avoid a rock concert at Verizon Arena or to avoid Florida’s Panama City Beach during Spring Break, nothing would have been said about it.  How is Gay Pride Day any different?  If a church can’t urge its members to engage in what it believes to be good behavior, what have we come to?

So much for live and let live.  I guess when it comes to gay pride, looking the other way is not allowed.

Photo Credit: By Glen Gaboury.

Come See the Ten Commandments Monument Unveiled Tomorrow!

You and your family are invited to come see Arkansas’ monument of the Ten Commandments unveiled and dedicated at a brief ceremony tomorrow at 11:30 AM on the lawn outside the Arkansas Capitol Building in Little Rock.

The monument celebrates the impact the Ten Commandments have had on our civilization and our system of law.

This is your opportunity to be part of history. I hope you will join us for this momentous occasion. If you need directions or additional information, call our office at (501) 375-7000.

Below is a press release from the American History and Heritage Foundation about the unveiling.

On April 8, 2015, the Arkansas General Assembly passed SB939 – THE TEN COMMANDMENTS MONUMENT ACT – and Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed the bill into law becoming ACT 1231. On June 27th, 2017, the original Ten Commandments Monument was installed on the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol using private donations. In the early hours of June 28th, 2017, less than 24 hours after the monument had been erected, it was intentionally destroyed when a man rammed his vehicle into the monument. On April 26, 2018, just over 3 years since the law was first enacted, and less than one year since the monument was destroyed, the replacement monument will be installed and given to the State of Arkansas by the American History & Heritage Foundation which has fully funded the project.

The Foundation invites all interested Arkansas citizens to join them for a brief dedication of the Arkansas Ten Commandments Monument.

WHO: American History & Heritage Foundation

WHAT: Arkansas Ten Commandments Monument Re-Installation WHEN: Thursday, April 26, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

WHERE: Arkansas State Capitol Grounds

A statement will be read on behalf of the American History & Heritage Foundation, Inc. honoring the gift of the new monument to the people of Arkansas and offering thanks to supporters who made private donations to make the monument possible. You can read more about the American History & Heritage Foundation at, follow them on Twitter @Am_Heritage or FaceBook


The American History & Heritage Foundation, Inc. is an Arkansas non-profit organization dedicated to educating and informing the public about American history and heritage.