Australian Court Dismisses Marriage Redefinition Suit

From Alliance Defending Freedom:

Business Week: “A man cannot enter into the state of marriage as defined with another man just as a woman cannot enter into the state of marriage with another woman,” the judge wrote. “The redress for these circumstances lies in the political and not the legal arena.” . . . Sex discrimination depends on a comparison between the treatment of the person of one sex with the treatment of the opposite sex, Jagot wrote in her ruling. “There cannot be discrimination by reason of the sex of a person because in all cases the treatment of the person of the opposite sex is the same,” she wrote.| Margan v President, Australian Human Rights Commission [2013] FCA 109

Read more here.

Is There a Conservative Argument for Gay Marriage?

You’ve probably noticed that there are now conservatives who support gay marriage, even going so far as to claim there’s a conservative argument for it. Jennifer Thieme with the Ruth Institute disagrees with this assertion, explaining that “True conservatives support limited government, and they understand that there are other institutions which serve to limit government power. Two of these institutions are the natural family and religion. Same sex marriage, which as a policy removes the gender requirement for marriage, is a great vehicle for those who wish to increase the scope and power of the government, as it forces these other institutions to diminish.”

Click here to read her entire blog post.

Columnist: Marriage is America’s Best Anti-Poverty Program

Sheila Weber, executive director of National Marriage Week USA, has written a column on marriage’s contribution to the fight against poverty.

The column notes a person who graduates from high school, works full time, and postpones marriage and childbearing until after the age of 21 has only a 2% chance of living in poverty. It also points out how the decline of marriage hurts the working and lower class.

Read the entire column here.