Words from Our Presidents: Eisenhower on Churches

As part of a series entitled Words from Our Presidents we are bringing you different from quotes from U.S. Presidents on religion, religious liberty, and individual freedom. Today we have a quote from President Dwight D. Eisenhower on churches in America.


“The churches of America are citadels of our faith in individual freedom and human dignity.”

President Dwight D. Eisenhower
July 9, 1953

Words from Our Presidents: George H. W. Bush on Prayer

As part of a series entitled Words from Our Presidents we are bringing you different from quotes from U.S. Presidents on religion, religious liberty, and individual freedom. Today we have a quote from President Bush, Sr., on the peace of prayer.

“There is no greater peace than that which comes from prayer and no greater fellowship than to join in prayer with others.”

President George H. W. Bush
February 2, 1989

Words from Our Presidents: Reagan on the Freedom to Pray

We’re starting a new series entitled “Words from Our Presidents” featuring different U.S. Presidents’ words on religious liberty and individual rights. Today we bring you Ronald Reagan on the freedom to pray.


“The Constitution was never meant to prevent people from praying; its declared purpose was to protect their freedom to pray.”

President Ronald Reagan
September 18, 1982
Radio address to the nation on prayer.