WSJ Op-Ed Cites Problems with Legalizing Marijuana

Purple_KushToday the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed highlighting problems with legalizing marijuana in any capacity.

Among other things, the article notes:

  • Marijuana is six times more potent today than it was 30 years ago.
  • Since 2011 marijuana consumption among youth rose by 9.5% in Colorado and 3.2% in Washington even as it dropped 2.2% nationwide.
  • Marijuana businesses gravitate toward low-income and minority communities in Colorado.
  • Marijuana use during adolescence hurts IQ and increases the risk of schizophrenic.
  • Marijuana-related traffic deaths has roughly doubled in Washington and increased by a third in Colorado.

All of this underscores what we have said for years: Marijuana may be many things, but “harmless” simply is not one of them.

You can read the full op-ed here.