Group Hires Additional Canvassers for Marijuana Amendment Effort

The group promoting a marijuana amendment in Arkansas has hired hundreds of petition canvassers to place their measure on the November ballot, according to documents obtained from the Secretary of State’s office via the Freedom of Information Act.

Arkansans for Patient Access has until July 5 to collect 90,704 valid signatures from registered voters. The group has raised nearly $1 million their amendment campaign this year, according to reports filed with the Arkansas Ethics Commission.

State law lets ballot question committees hire Arkansas residents as petition canvassers to collect signatures.

The list obtained via FOIA indicates Arkansans for Limited Government currently has 425 paid canvassers. The group previously employed 381 paid petition canvassers.

The paid canvasser list was first acquired by Family Council Action Committee is available at

Among other things, the marijuana amendment fails to limit the amount of THC that marijuana and marijuana products can contain.

Marijuana users would no longer need to show they suffer from a specific medical condition listed in state law — making it easier for people to use marijuana recreationally.

The amendment lets people grow and use marijuana at home, and it would openly legalize marijuana in Arkansas if federal laws against marijuana are repealed.

The measure also repeals significant restrictions on marijuana advertising in Arkansas.

All of this would lead to more marijuana in Arkansas.

Arkansas voters rejected marijuana legalization at the ballot box in 2022. That amendment was opposed by a broad coalition of churches, business groups, elected officials, and citizens who knew that marijuana would be bad for Arkansas. We anticipate similar opposition to the 2024 marijuana amendment.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Women Who Use Marijuana Face Increased Risk of Death from Heart Disease

A new study shows women who often smoke marijuana are at significantly higher risk of death from heart disease compared to women who do not use marijuana.

Researchers noted that certain cannabinoids like THC — the primary psychoactive substance in marijuana — may contribute to inflammation, vascular problems, and hardening of the arteries. Marijuana smoke also exposes users to carbon monoxide, which poses a health hazard.

Researchers also pointed out that marijuana users are at increased risk of blood vessel ruptures.

All of this can contribute to heart disease and death.

growing body of scientific evidence reveals that marijuana is harmful.

A recent study by the American Heart Association found that marijuana users face increased risk of heart attack and stroke compared to non-users.

Marijuana smoke contains toxins and carcinogens similar to tobacco smoke.

Teens who use marijuana are 11 times more likely to develop a psychotic disorder.

Research closely links marijuana use with increased risk for depression and bipolar disorder and to higher rates of schizophrenia in young men.

Right now the group Arkansans for Patient Access is actively working to drastically expand marijuana in Arkansas.

The group has until July 5 to collect 90,704 petition signatures from registered voters to place the marijuana amendment on the ballot.

If passed, the amendment would give free marijuana cards to immigrants and out-of-state residents who come to Arkansas to use marijuana.

The amendment would guarantee marijuana growers and sellers a monopoly over the state’s marijuana industry.

Marijuana users would no longer need to show they suffer from a specific medical condition listed in state law — making it easier to use marijuana recreationally.

The measure also fails to limit the amount of THC that marijuana products can contain, and it repeals restrictions on marijuana advertising.

All of this would lead to more marijuana in the state.

As we have said for years, marijuana may be many things, but “harmless” simply is not one of them.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Federal Government Accepting Public Comments on Marijuana Rescheduling

The federal government is accepting public comments on its proposal to redesignate marijuana as a Schedule III Controlled Substance — which would put marijuana in the same category as anabolic steroids or Tylenol with Codeine.

the rule change would not legalize marijuana outright, but it could create more confusion about marijuana’s legal status and make it much easier for people to grow and use marijuana.

The push to reschedule marijuana comes despite growing evidence of marijuana’s serious — and permanent — impact on physical and mental health.

growing body of scientific evidence reveals that marijuana is harmful — especially for teens and young adults. 

Nationwide, since 2019, the number of kids diagnosed with cannabis-induced mental disorders, including schizophrenia and psychotic episodes, has increased by 50%.

And research has shown time and again that marijuana has a significant potential for dependence and abuse.

All of that means that reclassifying marijuana as a Schedule III substance is more than just bureaucratic tinkering.

Christians understand that human beings were made for a higher purpose than getting high, and scientific evidence continues to underscore the harm that marijuana causes to individuals, families, and communities.

Family Council intends to submit public comments opposing the proposal to reclassify marijuana before the July 22 deadline.

You can click here to submit a comment concerning the proposal to reschedule marijuana.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.