“It’s Just a Piece of Paper”

Thirty years ago Hollywood and television began touting a single line about marriage: “A marriage license is just a piece of paper.”

It’s just a piece of paper, and it doesn’t matter. Fall in or out of love with whoever you want. Live together, if you want. Run it through the shredder, if you want. It really does not matter.

Now, Hollywood might claim that they were simply reflecting the culture, but there’s no doubt that TV and movies have a tremendous impact on society; otherwise advertising would not be a multi-billion dollar business. And there’s no doubt that the message Hollywood pushed about marriage has influenced today’s culture.


Marriage: Is It a Right?

President Obama issued a statement today saying he supports gay marriage. This position flies in the face of thirty-one states who have passed amendments and laws defining marriage as the union of a man and woman.

The argument employed by people lobbying for the redefinition of marriage is that ‘marriage equality’ is a right, and should not even be subject to a vote. They further argue that it is the duty of the federal government to step in and overrule the will of the people in the thirty-one states that have defined marriage as the union of a man and woman.

Here’s the problem:


Dr. Morse on Why Privatizing Marriage is Impossible

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute writes: “We cannot escape the fact that marriage is an intrinsically public institution. We can’t avoid making collective decisions about its meaning and purpose. If we don’t do it explicitly, we will end up doing it implicitly.” This piece by Dr. Morse, titled Privatizing Marriage is Impossible, is a must-read. Click here to check it out.