Arkansas Voter’s Guide Launches Wednesday

This Wednesday, April 18, the Arkansas Voter’s Guide for the May 22 primary election will be available! You’ll be able to find it online at and, if you’d like, you can order a free print version by calling us at 501-375-7000.

Also, have you checked out the Arkansas Voter’s Guide app for Android phones yet? Scan the code below to download it with your Android phone. Next election, we hope to have an app for iPhone users.

Arkansas Students Unprepared for College

As previously reported, two out of five students receiving lottery-funded scholarships lost the scholarship after one year. A demographics study has been conducted to dig further into the details, and it found some items worth mentioning. In short, the report finds that low-income, non-white males were the demographic most likely to lose their scholarships after their first year of college. Click here to read a story about this report from John Lyon of Arkansas News.
