Arkansas Affirms Right of Cities to Declare Themselves Pro-Life

On Monday the Arkansas Senate passed H.B. 1544 Rep. Kendon Underwood (R – Cave Springs) and Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R – Branch).

This good bill affirms the rights of cities and towns across Arkansas to declare themselves pro-life.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that cities can pass pro-life resolutions. H.B. 1544 affirms that right and helps outline how a city in Arkansas can exercise its right to declare itself pro-life.

This is a good bill that will help encourage cities in Arkansas to build communities that respect the sanctity and dignity of human life.

H.B. 1544 has already passed the Arkansas House of Representatives. It now goes to the governor to become law.

Click Here to See How Your Senator Voted on H.B. 1544.

House Passes Bill Protecting Healthcare Workers’ Rights of Conscience

On Monday the Arkansas House of Representatives passed S.B. 289.

This good bill by by Sen. Kim Hammer (R – Benton) and Rep. Brandt Smith (R – Jonesboro) protects healthcare workers’ rights of conscience in Arkansas.

State law’s current conscience protections are narrowly focused. They protect only a limited number of people.

S.B. 289 helps broaden and safeguard healthcare workers’ conscience protections.

The bill passed by a vote of 72 to 20.

S.B. 289 now goes back to the Arkansas Senate for concurrence in amendments the House of Representatives made to it.

House Passes Bill Prohibiting Transactions With Abortionists

Rep. Breaux presents H.B. 1589 in the Arkansas House of Representatives.

On Monday afternoon the Arkansas House of Representatives passed H.B. 1589.

This good bill by Rep. Harlan Breaux (R – Holiday Island) and Sen. Bob Ballinger (R – Ozark) prohibits government entities, including public schools, in Arkansas from engaging in transactions with abortion providers and affiliates of abortion providers.

It would prevent state and local government entities and subdivisions of the state from using tax revenue or taxpayer resources in transactions with abortion providers.

Arkansans enacted Amendment 68 to the Arkansas Constitution to prevent public funding of abortion. In keeping with Amendment 68, this bill will help ensure that Arkansas does not spend any taxpayer dollars subsidizing abortionists and their affiliates.

The bill now goes to the Arkansas Senate.

Read The Bill Here.