Homosexual Activists Challenge Marriage Laws in AR, 13 Other States

Homosexual activists have initiated 4 separate efforts to redefine marriage in Arkansas.

They have filed two lawsuits to declare Amendment 83 unconstitutional. One of the suits is in state court, and the other is in federal court. In addition, two pro-homosexual groups have asked Attorney General Dustin McDaniel to approve language for petition drives to place measures on the 2014 and 2016 ballots to repeal Amendment 83. Arkansas voters passed Amendment 83 in 2004 by a vote of 75%. It defines marriage in Arkansas as the union of a man and a woman.


Portions of Texas’ Pro-Life Law Already Been Offered in Arkansas

Texas recently passed a pro-life bill that has garnered a lot of national attention. Abortion advocates have tried to frame the bill as extreme. The truth is many of the bill’s provisions are commonsense regulations that have been offered in Arkansas—and actually have enjoyed a great deal of support at the Arkansas Legislature. Here are four the bill’s primary components: (more…)