Seventh Circuit Court: School May Not Rent Church Facilities

The Seventh Circuit Court has ruled a school who rented a church facility for a graduation violated the Establishment Clause to the Constitution.

The school’s gymnasium was deemed too uncomfortable for hosting the graduation ceremony; as a result, the school sought a different venue. They settled on renting a church facility. A group sued the school for its decision. The school won every court case up until it was appealed to the entire Seventh Circuit Court. The Seventh Circuit ruled the church’s “pervasively religious” facility and conventional religious symbols constituted a violation on the part of the school.


NY Schools Disperse 12,000+ Doses of Plan B Without Parental Consent

According to documents obtained by the New York Post through a Freedom of Information Act request, New York City schools distributed approximately 12,721 doses of emergency contraception (aka “Plan B” or “The Morning-After Pill”) through school clinics.

The clinics also gave students other forms of contraception, including IUDs and injections of long-term contraception.

The clinics were able to do so because under New York law, schools do not need to obtain parental consent to give contraceptives to teenagers. The schools’ activities are causing a great deal of controversy among parents.

Read more here.