Smaller Government Means Something Has to Give

Alan Colmes routinely appears on TV and radio, providing a liberal perspective on current events. A couple of years ago I remember he said something that really caught my attention.

It was in response to a survey that showed the majority of Americans favor smaller government. I don’t remember his answer verbatim, but I recall it went to the effect that, “Yes, Americans say they want smaller government when asked, but if you ask for details, like, ‘Do you want public schools?’ ‘Do you want publicly funded roads?’ ‘Do you want government-funding for this program or that program?’ Americans overwhelmingly answer ‘Yes.’ Americans may say they want smaller government, but the truth is they want things that only a bigger government can provide.”

I really think Colmes hit the nail on the head with his statement.  Americans want smaller government, but they also want their government to provide services for them.

Here’s the truth: (more…)

Words from Our Founders: Thomas Paine

Today we continue our series examining our Founding Fathers in their own words and considering their high esteem for religion, religious liberty, and virtue.

Below is an excerpt from Common Sense by Thomas Paine. Paine’s religious beliefs have been the subject of much debate, but his words below illustrate very directly his belief that the government should protect religious and conscientious convictions.
