Evangelicals Want More than Lesser of Two Evils

It seems there is a growing misunderstanding on the part of candidates and lawmakers where evangelical Christians are concerned. Candidates treat Christians like one conservative demographic they need to court in order to be sure they have a good enough base of support to win an election. Candidates seem to think that saying, “I’m pro-life, pro-marriage, and pro-religious-freedom, and my opponent is anti-life, anti-marriage, and anti-religious-freedom,” is good enough to secure that vote. Here’s what candidates do not understand: Christians want someone who runs on a platform bigger than simply, “I’m not my opponent.”


Chick-fil-A is Popular for a Reason

In case you were concerned about Chick-fil-A—considering the recent attacks on the company after Dan Cathy, its president, took a public stand for traditional marriage—consider the map below. This company is popular for many reasons, such as its great food, friendly customer service, and of course, its Christian values. There’s something refreshingly different about Chick-fil-A, and people across the country have taken notice. We applaud Mr. Cathy for defending marriage. Here’s to many more years of success for our favorite place to get a chicken sandwich.