Religious Freedom Rally News Coverage

As you know, the Stand Up for Religious Freedom rally last in Little Rock on Friday was a huge success. Thanks to everyone who attended and spread the word. We believe that people were moved and motivated by the speakers and the mission before us—taking a stand for religious freedom before it’s too late.

If you missed the rally or would just like to watch the speeches again, we’ve uploaded the full rally to YouTube. We’ll be uploading even more videos soon, including each speech separated into different videos and the full rally from multiple camera angles.

On the news front, the rally was covered by several outlets. Here are some links:

I’m sure there are many more news stories that we just haven’t found yet! We are still so excited about how the rally turned out, and we hope you had a great time.

Coming Soon: Pro-Life Camp for Arkansas High School Students

Arkansas Right to Life is hosting its first ever Arkansas Camp Joshua (ACJ), a weekend pro-life camp to train high school students to be pro-life leaders. The camp has already been successfully held in multiple states, and we are now so excited to host Arkansas’ first Camp Joshua this Summer of 2012! Camp Joshua’s goal is to train the students so that upon graduation, the students will be equipped to confidently defend their pro-life views, enact new pro-life efforts in their high school and community, as well as starting critical pro-life work on their college campuses. Arkansas Right to Life is bringing in experienced speakers to educate the students on crucial pro-life topics. Some of the sessions included are Abortion 101, Pro-Life Persuasion, Euthanasia 101, The Impact of Abortion, and more!

The cost of the camp is $80.00 (includes meals, accommodations, materials, T-Shirt and transportation to and from camp location). Ages for the camp are 14-18, students who are 2012 graduating seniors will be accepted regardless of their age. Camp Joshua will be held at the beautiful CrossHeirs Retreat Center ( The deadline to apply for Camp Joshua is June 26, and all registration can be done online at the website: Contact Arkansas Right to Life at after this point.

ACJ is open to people of all religious denominations. Material is presented from a Christian pro-life view. All chaperones will be approved by Arkansas Right to Life. Pro-life college students will assist with the weekend, but adults will be present at all times, including Hannah Trice, Executive Assistant at Arkansas Right to Life and Rose Mimms, Executive Director of Arkansas Right to Life.

Questions? Contact Executive Assistant Hannah Trice at (501) 663-4237 or (“ATTN: Hannah Trice Camp Joshua” in subject line) and check out Arkansas Camp Joshua’s website at Spots are limited, so register quick!

VIDEO: Little Rock Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally

On June 8, 2012, approximately 800 concerned citizens gathered on the Capitol Building steps in Little Rock to take a stand for religious freedom. At the same time, similar rallies were happening in cities across the country as part of a nationwide effort.

Video note: Pastor Mark Evans mentioned an amusing story from the Peanuts that he used to illustrate how individuals with the same key goals should set aside petty differences and organize.

Here’s the Peanuts dialogue:
Lucy: These five fingers… individually, they’re nothing. But when I curl them together like this into a single unit, they form a weapon that is terrible to behold!
(Linus gives in quickly and then talks to his fingers.)
Linus: Why can’t you guys get organized like that?

At the end of the rally, Sen. Irvin held her fingers out and then made a fist, tying it back to the illustration by Pastor Evans. The crowd responded; they understood. It was amazing to see how a simple story could take on such a powerful meaning.