Starbucks Endorses Push in Washington State to Redefine Marriage

In an article aptly titled, “Starbucks Doesn’t Know Beans about Marriage,” Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins discusses the recent endorsement by Starbucks of the push in Washington State to redefine marriage. Starbucks is already in hot water with pro-lifers for its partnership with Planned Parenthood, but this just further emphasis that the company is no friend of the family. Read about it here.

Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Should Agree Contraception Mandate Repulsive

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as “Obamacare,” has a lot of mandates in it. The “individual mandate” that requires every American to purchase health insurance is probably the best known and most talked about. But there’s another, much more pernicious mandate in it that many Americans still are not aware of: A mandate regarding drugs that cause abortion.
