Planned Parenthood Shows No Activity in Arkansas for 2024 Election Cycle

Planned Parenthood’s political action committee has reported no activity in Arkansas so far during the 2024 election cycle.

Political action committees typically issue campaign endorsements and donate money to candidates and political causes. Earlier this month Planned Parenthood Great Plains Votes Arkansas — the PAC for Planned Parenthood in Arkansas — filed a quarterly report showing no campaign donations in the state during April, May, and June of 2024.

Planned Parenthood currently operates two facilities in Arkansas — one in Rogers and one in Little Rock — but neither one performs abortions.

In 2020 Planned Parenthood Federation announced it would spend at least $45 million in an effort to unseat pro-life lawmakers and elect candidates who support abortion. As part of that plan, the group used its PAC in Arkansas to support candidates for state and federal office.

However, since then, the abortion giant has been quiet in Arkansas. Right now the group’s PAC has a little less than $12,000 at its disposal, but it has not announced any endorsements in Arkansas for the 2024 election cycle.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Policy Advocates Renew Calls for Planned Parenthood-Style Sex-Education Law in Arkansas

On Monday the media outlet Arkansas Advocate reported on a renewed push for Planned Parenthood-style comprehensive sex-education in the state.

The goal is to “improve” sex-education and reduce teen pregnancy in Arkansas.

On the surface, it may sound like a good idea. However, Arkansas has been down this road before, and we know from experience that Planned Parenthood-style sex-education is bad for Arkansas.

In the 1980s and 1990s, public officials in Arkansas promoted comprehensive sex-education, but the programs failed to have a meaningful impact on teen pregnancy and abortion in the state.

Then in 1997 the Arkansas Legislature and Governor Mike Huckabee began promoting abstinence education in Arkansas. From 1997 to 2005, Arkansas’ teen birthrate decreased 17%, and Arkansas’ teen abortion rate plummeted a staggering 48%.

Governor Huckabee’s abstinence education model was so successful in Arkansas that it drew national recognition. Family Council was pleased to support Arkansas’ good abstinence education program. The program continued into the early 2000s, but was gradually scaled back as a result of budget cuts and changes in state and federal government.

According to the CDC, teenagers who practice abstinence are healthier in nearly every way than teenagers who are sexually active.

Sexually-active teens have been found to be less healthy and to engage in riskier behavior.

In other words, abstinence is linked to healthier lifestyles overall.

Comprehensive sex-education programs often focus on contraceptives and “risk-reduction” without encouraging abstinence or teaching teenagers to avoid risky situations altogether. This leads to riskier behavior among teens. Those are just some of the reasons Family Council opposes comprehensive sex-education in Arkansas.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Planned Parenthood PAC Shows No Activity in Arkansas for First Three Months of 2024

Planned Parenthood’s political action committee (PAC) conducted virtually no activity in Arkansas during the first three months of the year, according to reports filed with the Secretary of State on Monday.

Planned Parenthood has long been the nation’s leading abortion provider, and its PAC has a history of supporting pro-abortion candidates in Arkansas.

However, the group has been unusually quiet this election season, conducting virtually no political activity in Arkansas this year.

The PAC currently has $11,721 on hand that it could give to candidates ahead of the elections in November.

Now that Roe v. Wade has been reversed and abortion is prohibited in Arkansas except to save the life of the mother, groups like Planned Parenthood are turning their attention toward state elections and legislation.

With that in mind, Planned Parenthood could use its PAC in Arkansas to try to influence public policy or public opinion on abortion in the coming months.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.