What are the Priorities of the U.S. Ambassador to Israel?

10275416_684279058276165_7270504065498211710_oIsrael is one of America’s most significant allies in the world. Although the country itself is small, its presence and importance are immeasurable.

The United States has enjoyed a unique relationship with Israel since the country formed in the aftermath of World War II and the Holocaust. And while Israel is by no means perfect, there’s no question with all the “wars and rumors of war” throughout the Middle East at the moment, now is the time to shore up our relationship with friends in the region and focus on protecting our interests and the interests of our allies.

Surely that would be the focus of the U.S. Ambassador to State of Israel, right? But you might not know it looking at the ambassador’s official Facebook page.


Changing Morals or a Lack of Morality?

“[V]ice does not lose its nature, though it becomes ever so fashionable.”

John Wesley

On May 30, Gallup released a poll on America’s changing views of morality.

The poll showed a record-high in “moral acceptability” on issues like premarital sex, embryonic stem cell research, and euthanasia.

Of course, this poll should raise a number of questions. Is something right or wrong just because a large percentage of the population says so? No. Once upon a time we would have called the findings of this poll evidence of “moral decay” in America. Today we just say that Americans’ morals are shifting.

So what happens when a society decides to change morality? What happens when people increasingly call evil “good”? Well, let’s look at a few examples.
