Hundreds Apply to Grow and Sell Marijuana

Yesterday marked the deadline to apply to grow or sell marijuana in Arkansas under the state’s new “medical marijuana” program.

State officials reported that approximately 300 companies and individuals applied to grow or sell the drug as of yesterday afternoon.

Of those 300 applicants, five growers and 32 sellers will be approved by the state.

Make no mistake about it: A lot of companies are hoping to make serious money off “medical marijuana” in Arkansas. Nearly half the people who voted last year voted against marijuana. Many of those who voted to legalize marijuana still want marijuana properly regulated.

We’re working with attorneys to help cities and counties who do not want marijuana businesses in their communities.

Family Council Vows to Help Keep Communities Free From Marijuana

Monday, September 18, 2017

LITTLE ROCK, AR – Monday marks the deadline for entities to apply with the state to grow or sell marijuana in Arkansas.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement saying, “Family Council is committed to helping communities stay free of marijuana. Arkansas’ marijuana amendment gives citizens leeway when it comes to restricting marijuana farms and stores. We are working with attorneys and others to assist cities and counties who do not want marijuana businesses in their communities.”

Cox pointed out that many Arkansans do not support medical marijuana. “Nearly half the people who voted last year voted against marijuana. Many of those who voted to legalize marijuana still want marijuana properly regulated. They don’t want marijuana stores on Main Street, and they don’t want drug users wandering around parks and playgrounds. They want to protect their communities from the effects of marijuana, and we are here to help them do that.”


Keeping the Electoral College

On Wednesday, Hillary Clinton told CNN’s Anderson Cooper the U.S. needed to abolish the Electoral College, calling it an “an anachronism that was designed for another time.”

Family Council successfully opposed two efforts to undermine the Electoral College in Arkansas — one in 2007 and another in 2009. Each of these proposals would have awarded Arkansas’ electoral votes to the winner of the nationwide popular vote in presidential elections.

The Electoral College keeps major metropolitan areas from running roughshod over rural America. It also forces candidates to consider other parts of the country besides the heavily-populated seaboards.

Below is a video by Dennis Prager about the benefits of the Electoral College.