Women’s Professional Golf League Changes Policy, Clarifies Golfers Must Be Female

On Friday the professional golf league NXXT Golf announced policy changes saying that only biological females would be eligible to participate in the NXXT Women’s Pro Tour.

The announcement comes a few weeks after golfer Hailey Davidson — a biological male who identifies as female — took first place in the NXXT Women’s Classic in Florida. The tournament is a qualifier for the LPGA Tour.

In a statement on its website, NXXT Golf said on Friday,

NXXT Golf, with a steadfast dedication to competitive fairness and enhancing opportunities for female athletes, today announces a significant update to the eligibility policy for the NXXT Women’s Pro Tour.

Effective immediately, competitors must be a biological female at birth to participate. This decision underscores the organization’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of women’s professional golf and ensuring fair competition.

NXXT GOLF CEO Stuart McKinnon expressed, “As we navigate through the evolving landscape of sports, it is crucial to uphold the competitive integrity that is the cornerstone of women’s sports. Our revised policy is a reflection of our unwavering commitment to celebrating and protecting the achievements and opportunities of female athletes. Protected categories are a fundamental aspect of sports at all levels, and it is essential for our Tour to uphold these categories for biological females, ensuring a level playing field.”

This policy update is the result of comprehensive research, thoughtful deliberation, and extensive consultations with a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the sports community. McKinnon added, “NXXT Golf is honored to lead in promoting and advancing women’s golf, providing a platform that not only highlights the exceptional talent of women golfers worldwide but also ensures the competition remains equitable for all of our players.”

NXXT Golf is the latest sports league to clarify its eligibility policies to preserve women’s athletics.

In recent female cyclists, swimmers, powerlifters, sprinters, and others have seen their sports radically changed by biological males who identify and compete as women.

Letting males compete in women’s sports reverses 50 years of advancements for women and effectively erases women’s and girls’ athletics.

It hampers girls’ abilities to compete for athletic scholarships, and it hurts their professional opportunities as adults. In some sports, it can even be dangerous.

That is part of the reason states like Arkansas, Texas, West Virginia, and Ohio have enacted laws that uphold fairness in women’s sports.

In 2021 Arkansas also passed Act 461 of 2021 by Sen. Missy Irvin (R — Mountain View) and Rep. Sonia Barker (R — Smackover) protecting fairness in women’s sports at school by preventing male student athletes from competing against girls in women’s athletics. This is a good law, and it is in full effect in Arkansas.

Interestingly, public opinion is shifting on this issue, with more Americans saying it’s morally wrong to change genders and that athletes ought to compete according to their biological sex rather than their gender identity.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Congressional Report Says Federal Government Weaponized Banks Against Conservative Groups

Last week the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government released a report indicating the federal government weaponized banks against conservatives.

The interim report released last Wednesday cites evidence revealing:

  • After the events of January 6, 2021, federal law enforcement officials from the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the FBI initiated multiple discussions with financial institutions to discuss ways financial institutions could share customer information with federal law enforcement outside of normal legal processes.
  • Law enforcement and private institutions shared intelligence through a web portal run by the Domestic Security Alliance Council — a partnership led by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.
  • The U.S. Treasury Department gave banks and other financial institutions guiding “typologies” — patterns that could be used to identify suspicious people or activities — including search terms and patterns like “TRUMP” and “MAGA”, and encouraged financial institutions to comb through transactions for terms like, “Bass Pro Shops,” “Cabela’s,” and “Dick’s Sporting Goods” when looking for “Homegrown Violent Extremism.”
  • “Americans doing nothing other than shopping or exercising their Second Amendment rights were being tracked by financial institutions and federal law enforcement.”

The report also reveals the Treasury Department provided banks and financial institutions with an analysis titled “Bankrolling Bigotry.” This analysis listed legitimate, conservative groups such as Alliance Defending Freedom, the American College of Pediatricians, American Family Association, Eagle Forum, Family Research Council, Liberty Counsel, National Organization for Marriage, and the Ruth Institute as “Hate Groups” alongside the KKK and the American Nazi Party.

The “Bankrolling Bigotry” analysis also outlines ideas on policies and laws aimed at preventing these groups from fundraising. Officials from the Treasury Department distributed this document to banks and financial institutions in January of 2021, calling it an “overview on the funding of American hate groups.”

Other outlets have reported in the past how government policies allegedly encourage banks to designate conservative organizations as posing a “high risk” or “reputational risk” — giving the banks an excuse to close their accounts.

In 2021 Family Council’s credit card processor terminated our account after designating our organization as “high risk.”

At 10:29 AM on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, our office received a terse email from our credit card processor — a company owned by JPMorgan Chase — saying, “Unfortunately, we can no longer support your business. We wish you all the luck in the future, and hope that you find a processor that better fits your payment processing needs.”

Within sixty seconds, our account was terminated and and Family Council could no longer accept donations online. All we can do is speculate that our conservative principles and our public policy work might have had something to do with the decision to close our account.

Unfortunately, other organizations have had similar experiences as well. This congressional report sheds light on how the federal government weaponized financial institutions against conservative groups.

You Can Read Entire Interim Committee Report Here.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Catholic Bishop Issues Strong Statement Against Arkansas Abortion Amendment As Opposition Grows

Opposition to a proposed abortion amendment is growing in Arkansas.

Arkansans for Limited Government is collecting petition signatures to place the Arkansas Abortion Amendment on the November ballot.

The amendment would write abortion into the state constitution, and it would prevent the Arkansas Legislature from restricting abortion during the first five months of pregnancy — allowing thousands of elective abortions on healthy women and healthy unborn children every year.

It also could pave the way for taxpayer-funded abortions through all nine months of pregnancy — something voters have opposed in the past.

But a growing list of organizations in Arkansas oppose the abortion amendment.

Arkansas Right to Life and Family Council Action Committee both have launched campaigns to disqualify and defeat the abortion measure.

Choose Life Arkansas — which is made up of pro-life leaders from across the state — has also formed a campaign to defeat the amendment.

NWA Coalition for Life filed a Statement of Organization last month announcing it is working against the abortion amendment. The group includes pro-life leaders from the Northwest Arkansas area.

On March 1 the Arkansas Committee For Ethics Policy filed paperwork with the State indicating it opposes the abortion amendment.

On Wednesday the Catholic Diocese of Little Rock also filed a Statement of Organization announcing it opposes the amendment.

In a statement of the diocese’s website, Bishop Anthony Taylor wrote,

A petition is currently being circulated in Arkansas to place an amendment on our November 2024 voting ballots that would change our state constitution to allow abortions until 18 weeks after conception. As bishop of the Diocese of Little Rock, I urge all Catholics and all people of good will not to sign this petition.

As the abortion amendment’s ballot title notes, 18 weeks after conception is the equivalent of 20 weeks gestation or the first five months of pregnancy.

The diocese also has posters and bulletin announcements available on its website. One of the announcements reads,

Catholics have duties and responsibilities as citizens, and we are called to actively participate in political life to further the common good. This means bringing our faith into the public square. . . . The intrinsically evil act of abortion must always be vigorously opposed. For this reason, Bishop Taylor is urging all Catholics not to sign the petition to put the Arkansas Abortion Amendment on our voting ballots. Please Decline to Sign.

You can download a copy of the amendment here.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.