Addressing Concerns About SB 810

Several of our home school friends around the state have contacted us this week about SB 810 which directs the Child Maltreatment Hotline to resume accepting calls regarding educational neglect.

Many of our friends are understandably concerned this bill might inadvertently open home schoolers to harassment from public school officials or state employees.

Here is a fundamental question I believe we have to ask about SB 810:

Would a veto of SB 810 by Governor Hutchinson reduce the possibility that an innocent home school family would be reported to DHS?

Here is the answer: No. An adversary of home schooling already has several ways to report a home school family to DHS or the police. They don’t need SB 810 in order to harass home schoolers.


Governor Signs Good Pro-Life Bill into Law

The following press release is from our friends at Americans United for Life.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (04-7-15) — Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson’s signing of HB 1578, “The Women’s Right to Know Regarding Abortion” Act, made his state the second to expand Informed Consent requirements to include information that chemical abortion may be reversed, if a woman acts in time. Based on model legislation from Americans United for Life, Arkansas joins 31 other states in trusting women with more complete medical information about abortion and becomes the second state to include information on the impact of life-ending drugs on a woman’s body.

“Already more than 80 babies have been born, following the chemical abortion reversal process,” said AUL President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest. “No medical reason exists to deny mothers the opportunity to choose life by sharing with them all their options.”


Religious Freedom Restoration Act Becomes Arkansas Law!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

On Thursday Family Council issued a statement applauding the Arkansas General Assembly and Governor Asa Hutchinson for passing Senate Bill 975, The Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “We still maintain House Bill 1228, the original religious freedom law passed by more than two-thirds of both the Arkansas House and Arkansas Senate, was an excellent bill. However, Senate Bill 975 is also an excellent bill. As we keep saying, the original religious freedom bill, H.B. 1228, was the Rolls Royce of religious freedom laws, but S.B. 975, the replacement bill, is still a Cadillac.”

Cox said he appreciates the time and effort put into these bills by Arkansas’ legislators. “Being a lawmaker is not easy. I know many representatives and senators worked hard on these bills, particularly Representative Bob Ballinger and Senator Bart Hester. I believe Arkansans should be proud of their lawmakers for taking a stand for religious liberty and proud of Governor Hutchinson for signing a good bill into law.”

Cox said the Religious Freedom Restoration Act will protect religious liberty in Arkansas. “This law simply guards the free exercise of religion from government infringement. If the government tries to force you to act against your deeply-held convictions, this law helps guarantee your day in court to defend yourself for obeying your religious beliefs. That’s something everyone ought to be able to support.”
