LGBT Group Promotes Policies That Would Strip Christian Schools of Accreditation

A major pro-LGBT group is advocating policies that effectively would strip many Christian colleges and universities of accreditation if they hold biblical views about sex and marriage.

The Christian Post writes,

One of the leading national LGBT activist organizations is urging presumptive President-elect Joe Biden and his administration to advance policies that would strip Christian colleges that uphold rules and stances that oppose homosexuality of their accreditation.

The request was part of the Human Rights Campaign’s “Blueprint for Positive Change,” a recent document which offers 85 policy and legislative recommendations for a potential Biden administration. The document comes as Biden pledged throughout his 2020 campaign to advance “LGBT equality” in the U.S. and around the world. 

One of the recommendations proposes the elimination of nondiscrimination exemptions for religious colleges if the institutions support biblical definitions of marriage or fail to offer “scientific curriculum requirements.”

According to Al Mohler, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, losing accreditation would devastate Christian schools.

During the Obama Administration, we saw very similar threats against colleges and universities.

For example, in May of 2016 the Obama Administration issued “guidelines” instructing schools that receive federal tax dollars — in other words, virtually every public school and most private and public colleges and universities — to let male students who claim to be female use the women’s locker rooms, showers, restrooms, and similar facilities on campus, and vice versa.

The Obama Administration also told colleges that men had to be housed in women’s dormitories if they claim to be female, and vice versa.

Colleges who resisted policies like these could have risked losing their public funding.

But if the government implements the Human Rights Campaign’s proposal, Christian colleges wouldn’t just risk losing their funding; they could lose accreditation.

That would affect everything from their graduates’ ability to get jobs to transferring academic credits from one school to another, according to The Christian Post.

Catholic Hospitals Criticized for . . . Being Catholic

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

The Roma Catholic Church, as many know, opposes artificial birth control and sterilization. So, neither are available at Catholic hospitals. However, for some reason, there is outrage when Catholic health care providers follow Catholic teaching.

For example, a recent Los Angeles Times’ op-ed about a hospital operated by Providence Health Care System complains that the hospital “has increasingly disallowed women’s health services when they involve any form of contraceptive care,” such as IUDs and sterilization. 

In an ominous tone, the op-ed notes “the growing influence of Catholic health systems, which now account for one of every six acute care hospital beds in the country.” And, just in case readers aren’t scared enough, the article cites the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett as additional cause for fear.

We should remember that Catholic hospitals care for 5 million patients per year, and the same faith that critics fear is what motivates them to care for the sick in the first place.

Copyright 2020 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.