ENDA: Sen. Pryor Supports It; Sen. Boozman Opposes It

sen-pryor-photosen-boozman-photoLate yesterday Senators Pryor and Boozman cast important votes on the so-called Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

This bill is not about preventing discrimination. It is about injecting sexual preferences and sexual expression into the workplace.

Yesterday, Senator Pryor voted in support of ENDA. Senator Boozman voted against it. You can read a breakdown of the votes here.

The United States Senate is expected to take a final vote on ENDA today to pass it and send it for consideration in the U.S. House of Representatives.

ENDA runs roughshod over religious employers, including Christian publishing companies and bookstores; it treats conscientious disagreement with homosexual and trangender lifestyles as bigotry; it will allow men who “self-identify” as women to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms in the workplace, and vice versa; its ambiguities can only be clarified through expensive and time-consuming litigation at the expense of our nation’s taxpayers and employers.

Family Research Council and Heritage Foundation have written extensively about the problems this bill poses.

You can download FRC’s fact sheet here.

You can download Heritage Foundation’s fact sheet here.

Heritage Foundation: ENDA Threatens Fundamental Civil Liberties

sen-boozman-photo sen-pryor-photoWe have written recently about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which — despite its name — is not so much about preventing discrimination as it is injecting sexual expression into the workplace and workplace decisions.

The Heritage Foundation has written a fact sheet outlining ENDA and the problems it would create. A few of those problems include:

Reminder: Ask Sens. Pryor and Boozman to Oppose ENDA

Last week we told you about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, also known as ENDA.

ENDA is presented as anti-discrimination legislation; the reality, however, is it it injects sexual expression into workplace decisions, and it will affect religious employers and religious organization. As Family Research Council notes,

Homosexuals, cross-dressers, and transgendered workers would automatically qualify for special treatment that other workers would not. Can you imagine walking into your child’s classroom and meeting a teacher dressed in drag? Neither can most Americans. But unfortunately, that’s just one of the many consequences of adopting a law as dangerous as this one. Preschools, daycare centers, summer camps, religious chains like Hobby Lobby or Chick-fil-A — they’ll all be subject to the law, regardless of their personal beliefs and workplace standards.

ENDA is yet another example of legislation running roughshod over religious liberty. It is vaguely-written, and will only be clarified through expensive and time-consuming litigation in our courts.

Senator Reid has indicated plans to bring ENDA up for a vote in the U.S. Senate as early as this week. Please contact Senators Pryor and Boozman today, and ask them each to oppose the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (S. 815).

You can contact Senator Pryor here.

You can contact Senator Boozman here.