UAMS OB/GYN Chairman Says Med School Needs To Do More Abortions

Doctor Curtis Lowery refers to unborn children as “material” during official legislative hearing.

Yesterday the House Public Health Committee voted to pass SB134 by Senator Jason Rapert. The bill prevents abortion at or after the twelfth week of pregnancy if a fetal heartbeat is detected—except in cases of rape or incest or to save the life of or prevent grave physical harm to the mother. The bill passed easily, but what was bizarre was chilling testimony from a representative from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.


Sen. Stubblefield Files Pregnant Woman’s Protection Act

Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R-Branch) has filed a bill essentially allowing a pregnant woman to use the same sort of physical force defending her unborn baby as she could herself or one of her other children.

SB170 acknowledges that pregnant women are often the victims of assault or abuse, and specifies that a pregnant woman can use force to defend her unborn baby from an attack.
