Eric Metaxas on the Overpopulation Myth


In this short, 4-minute audio clip, Eric Metaxas with the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview shares exactly why overpopulation is a myth, and why those who espouse population control are ignoring important facts.

In the past, fears of overpopulation have been used to justify everything from abortion to limitations on family size and even sterilization of human beings.

Read a transcript of Metaxas’ comments and get more commentary from Breakpoint here.

FDA Taking Comments on Three-Parent Embryo Research

Scientists have begun controversial research into creating embryos with three parents—two mothers and one father.

Children created by the research have three biological parents. The UK’s Embryo Authority approved three-parent in vitro fertilization earlier this year, and many are hoping the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will follow suit.

Three-parent embryo research is controversial for several reasons. Three specific reasons, however, are: (more…)