Senate Public Health Committee Advances Bill to End Abortion in Arkansas

Sen. Jason Rapert (R – Conway) presents S.B. 6 in the Senate Public Health Committee on Wednesday, February 10, 2021.

On Wednesday the Senate Public Health Committee advanced S.B. 6 by Sen. Jason Rapert (R – Conway) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville) on a unanimous voice vote.

If enacted, this good bill would prevent abortion in Arkansas except in cases when the mother’s life is at risk and give the U.S. Supreme Court an opportunity to overturn Roe v. Wade, Doe v. Bolton, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and other pro-abortion decisions.

Family Council fully supports the passage of this good measure. This is an opportunity for Arkansas to be a real leader in the effort to end abortion in America.

Many people have been saying for almost fifty years that abortion should be illegal. The time has come for us to make it so.

Several pro-lifers, including Rose Mimms of Arkansas Right to Life, testified in favor of the bill in Wednesday’s committee meeting.

Members of the Arkansas Abortion Support Network testified against the bill.

S.B. 6 now goes to the entire Arkansas Senate for consideration; most of the members of the Arkansas Senate are co-sponsoring this good bill.

Bill Filed to Protect Healthcare Workers’ Rights of Conscience in Arkansas

On Thursday Sen. Kim Hammer (R – Benton) and Rep. Brandt Smith (R – Jonesboro) filed S.B. 289, the Medical Ethics and Diversity Act. This good bill protects healthcare workers’ rights of conscience in Arkansas.

S.B. 289 supplements existing conscience protections in Arkansas law.

It emphasizes the right of healthcare providers, institutions, and payers to decline to participate in medical procedures that violate their moral, religious, or ethical convictions. It also prohibits retaliatory discrimination against healthcare providers, institutions, or payers for declining to participate in healthcare services that violate their consciences.

Arkansas’ current conscience protections are narrowly focused on abortion, abortifacients, and end of life decisions, and they protect only a limited number of people. S.B. 289 helps broaden and strengthen those protections for healthcare workers.

No one should have to worry about facing discrimination for obeying their conscientious convictions.

You can read S.B. 289 here.

Bill Declaring Religion as Essential Passes Senate, Goes to Governor

On Wednesday the Arkansas Senate overwhelmingly passed H.B. 1211.

This good bill by Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville) and Sen. Kim Hammer (R – Benton) recognizes that religion and religious organizations are essential in Arkansas.

In other states we’ve seen churches and religious organizations singled out during the COVID-19 pandemic. H.B. 1211 helps prevent that from ever happening in Arkansas.

Public officials have the authority to protect health and public safety, but the the free exercise of religion is never suspended.

H.B. 1211 ensures our government never closes churches during a disaster or other emergency.

It prevents the government from penalizing a church that meets during an emergency, and it requires churches to comply with the same basic health and safety standards as everyone else.

Churches and charities support their communities during an emergency. They need to be free to serve people without worrying that the government might punish them. H.B. 1211 provides that protection.

H.B. 1211 passed with overwhelming support in the Arkansas House and Arkansas Senate. It now goes to Governor Hutchinson’s desk to be signed into law.

Below is a breakdown of how the Arkansas Senate voted on H.B. 1211.

Voted For The Bill

  • B. Ballinger
  • Beckham
  • Bledsoe
  • Caldwell
  • L. Chesterfield
  • A. Clark
  • B. Davis
  • J. Dismang
  • L. Eads
  • J. English
  • Flippo
  • S. Flowers
  • T. Garner
  • Gilmore
  • K. Hammer
  • J. Hendren
  • Hester
  • Hickey
  • Hill
  • Irvin
  • M. Johnson
  • B. Johnson
  • M. Pitsch
  • Rapert
  • Rice
  • B. Sample
  • G. Stubblefield
  • J. Sturch
  • D. Sullivan
  • Teague
  • D. Wallace

Voted Against The Bill


Voted “Present” On The Bill

  • Elliott
  • K. Ingram
  • G. Leding
  • C. Tucker