Arkansas House Passes Measure Promoting Transparency in Public Education

On Tuesday the Arkansas House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a measure promoting transparency in public education.

H.B. 1738, the Parents’ Bill of Rights by Rep. Mindy McAlindon (R – Centerton) and Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R – Branch), lets parents review any public school teaching materials, instructional materials, required textbooks, lesson plans, and other teaching aids used in their child’s classes.

The bill also lets parents temporarily withdraw their child from an objectionable lesson or activity.

H.B. 1738 is a good bill that helps ensure parents have a say in their child’s education.

The bill now goes to the Arkansas Senate for consideration.

The Following Representatives Voted For H.B. 1738

  • Achor
  • Andrews
  • Barker
  • Beaty Jr.
  • Beck
  • Bentley
  • M. Berry
  • S. Berry
  • Breaux
  • K. Brown
  • M. Brown
  • Burkes
  • Joey Carr
  • John Carr
  • Cavenaugh
  • C. Cooper
  • Cozart
  • Crawford
  • Dalby
  • Duffield
  • Duke
  • Eaves
  • Eubanks
  • Evans
  • D. Ferguson
  • C. Fite
  • L. Fite
  • Fortner
  • Furman
  • Gazaway
  • Gonzales
  • Gramlich
  • Haak
  • Hawk
  • D. Hodges
  • G. Hodges
  • Holcomb
  • Hollowell
  • Jean
  • L. Johnson
  • Ladyman
  • Long
  • Lundstrum
  • Lynch
  • Maddox
  • J. Mayberry
  • McAlindon
  • McClure
  • McCollum
  • McGrew
  • B. McKenzie
  • McNair
  • S. Meeks
  • Miller
  • Milligan
  • J. Moore
  • K. Moore
  • Painter
  • Pearce
  • Pilkington
  • Puryear
  • Ray
  • Richmond
  • Rose
  • Rye
  • Schulz
  • R. Scott Richardson
  • Steimel
  • Tosh
  • Underwood
  • Unger
  • Vaught
  • Walker
  • Wardlaw
  • Warren
  • Watson
  • Wing
  • Womack
  • Wooldridge
  • Wooten

The Following Representatives Voted Against H.B. 1738

  • lowney
  • A. Collins
  • Ennett
  • D. Garner
  • Hudson
  • McCullough
  • J. Richardson
  • Scott
  • T. Shephard
  • Springer
  • D. Whitaker

The Following Representative Voted “Present”

  • Magie

The Following Representatives Did Not Vote

  • F. Allen
  • Brooks
  • K. Ferguson
  • V. Flowers
  • M. McElroy
  • Nicks
  • Perry
  • Mr. Speaker

Education Committee Passes Bill Addressing Implicit Bias Training in Public Schools

On Wednesday the Senate Education Committee passed a bill addressing implicit bias training in public education.

In recent years, some educators around the country have expressed concerns about employee training programs that presume educators are unconsciously biased or prejudiced.

H.B. 1559 by Rep. Mindy McAlindon (R – Centerton) prohibits public schools in Arkansas from mandating implicit bias training for their employees.

It is a good bill that will help complement the LEARNS Act’s provisions that prohibit critical race theory in public schools.

H.B. 1559 passed with overwhelming support in the Arkansas House of Representatives on Monday, and the Senate Education Committee passed it on Wednesday.

The bill now goes to the entire Arkansas Senate for a vote.

Arkansas House Passes Bill to Protect Teachers Who Decline to Use Students’ Preferred Pronouns

On Monday the Arkansas House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill to help protect students and teachers who decline to use a person’s preferred pronouns at school.

H.B. 1468 by Rep. Wayne Long (R – Bradford) and Sen. Mark Johnson (R – Little Rock) says that a student or teacher cannot not be penalized for declining to address a person by a pronoun that is inconsistent with the person’s biological sex.

As we have reported before, educators in other states have been fired and suspended for declining to use students’ chosen pronouns.

H.B. 1468 would help prevent that from happening in Arkansas.

The bill now goes to the Arkansas Senate for consideration.

The Following Representatives Voted For H.B. 1468

  • Andrews
  • Barker
  • Beaty Jr.
  • Beck
  • Bentley
  • M. Berry
  • Breaux
  • K. Brown
  • M. Brown
  • Burkes
  • John Carr
  • Cavenaugh
  • C. Cooper
  • Cozart
  • Crawford
  • Duffield
  • Duke
  • Evans
  • C. Fite
  • L. Fite
  • Fortner
  • Furman
  • Gazaway
  • Gramlich
  • Haak
  • D. Hodges
  • G. Hodges
  • Hollowell
  • L. Johnson
  • Ladyman
  • Long
  • Lundstrum
  • Lynch
  • Maddox
  • McAlindon
  • McClure
  • McCollum
  • M. McElroy
  • McGrew
  • McNair
  • S. Meeks
  • Miller
  • Milligan
  • J. Moore
  • Painter
  • Pearce
  • Pilkington
  • Puryear
  • Ray
  • Richmond
  • Rose
  • Rye
  • R. Scott Richardson
  • Steimel
  • Tosh
  • Underwood
  • Unger
  • Vaught
  • Walker
  • Warren
  • Watson
  • Wing
  • Womack
  • Wooldridge
  • Wooten

The Following Representatives Voted Against H.B. 1468

  • Joey Carr
  • Clowney
  • A. Collins
  • Ennett
  • D. Ferguson
  • K. Ferguson
  • V. Flowers
  • D. Garner
  • Hudson
  • Magie
  • McCullough
  • Nicks
  • Perry
  • J. Richardson
  • Scott
  • T. Shephard
  • Springer
  • D. Whitaker

The Following Representatives Voted “Present”

  • Brooks
  • Gonzales
  • Hawk
  • B. McKenzie
  • Schulz

The Following Representatives Did Not Vote

  • Achor
  • F. Allen
  • S. Berry
  • Dalby
  • Eaves
  • Eubanks
  • Holcomb
  • Jean
  • J. Mayberry
  • K. Moore
  • Wardlaw
  • Speaker Shepherd