House Education Committee Passes Bill Expanding Interscholastic Opportunities for Home Schoolers

On Tuesday the House Education Committee passed a good bill expanding interscholastic opportunities for home schoolers.

S.B. 361 by Sen. Matt McKee (R – Pearcy) and Rep. Cameron Cooper (R – Romance) amends Arkansas’ “Tim Tebow” law that lets home schoolers participate in athletics and other interscholastic activities at their local public schools. The law is named after former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow, who was able to play football as a home schooler thanks to a similar law in Florida.

S.B. 361 makes it easier for home schoolers to participate in an interscholastic activity in a neighboring school district if their local district doesn’t offer the activity.

It also clarifies requirements in the “Tebow” law about enrollment in public school classes and about the waiting period for students who want to play sports after withdrawing from a public school to start home schooling.

As we said when lawmakers passed it in 2013, the “Tim Tebow” law is about school choice.

It empowers families by providing children with interscholastic options as well as educational options.

Last summer Family Council obtained government data showing at least 463 home schooled students utilized the “Tim Tebow” law in 2021.

The “Tim Tebow” law is a good law that Family Council has been pleased to support over the years.

You Can Read S.B. 361 Here.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Here is Some of What The LEARNS Act Does Besides School Choice

S.B. 294, the LEARNS Act, is in the House Education Committee at the Arkansas Legislature today.

The LEARNS Act is an omnibus education measure that Gov. Sanders and members of the General Assembly filed last week.

The bill already has passed in the Arkansas Senate.

Most of the testimony and debate about the LEARNS Act has focused on the school choice element.

The bill creates a framework that the State Board of Education will use to implement school choice in Arkansas between now and 2025. Families would have the option of using state dollars to educate their children at a public or private school or at home.

School choice is only one element of the LEARNS Act.

Here are some other issues the LEARNS Act addresses.

Teacher Pay, Hiring, and Dismissal

Much of the LEARNS Act overhauls Arkansas law when it comes to hiring, paying, and dismissing teachers at public schools.

The changes are extensive, but here are a few key elements from the LEARNS Act:

Among other things, the bill repeals and replaces the Teacher Fair Dismissal Act of 1983 and related laws.

It sets the base salary for public school teachers at $50,000.

It outlines ways that educators can receive bonuses or incentives for their work.

Besides addressing the issue in state law, the LEARNS Act generally empowers the State Board of Education and local school boards to make policies regarding hiring, paying, and dismissing teachers.

Critical Race Theory in Public School

Pages 20 and 21 of the LEARNS Act deal with critical race theory at the Arkansas Department of Education and in Arkansas’ public schools.

The bill requires the Arkansas Secretary of Education to review all policies to be sure that indoctrination — including critical race theory — is prohibited and that no public school employee or public school student is required to attend training or orientation that is based on critical race theory or other prohibited indoctrination.

The bill authorizes the State Board of Education to promulgate rules regarding this point.

Child Sex Abuse and Human Trafficking Prevention

Page 22 of the LEARNS Act says that the Arkansas Department of Education’s Division of Elementary and Secondary Education will enhance or adapt curriculum to help public schools provide instruction about detecting and preventing child sexual abuse and human trafficking.

The bill requires the curriculum to be incorporated into the Department of Education’s standards for Health and Safety and Physical Education standards, and it must be age-appropriate for instruction in grades K – 12.

The LEARNS Act lets parents or guardians review this curriculum before it is taught to their children, and parents may exempt their children from the curriculum if they want.

Each public school also is required to implement a child sex abuse and human trafficking prevention program that complies with Arkansas Department of Education standards.

Inappropriate Sexual Material in Public School

Page 23 of the LEARNS Act prohibits sexual material in classroom instruction before fifth grade.

This includes instruction regarding sexual intercourse, sexual reproduction, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

This component of the LEARNS Act is similar to legislation enacted in Florida and elsewhere addressing inappropriate sexual material in elementary schools.

Delegating to The State Board of Education

Throughout the LEARNS Act, the bill delegates authority to the State Board of Education.

The LEARNS Act writes important points into state law, but it relies heavily on the State Board of Education to carry out the intent of the LEARNS Act.

If the LEARNS Act passes, the State Board of Education will make rules about things like:

  • How public schools hire, fire, and pay their faculty.
  • Prohibiting critical race theory and other forms of indoctrination in public schools.
  • How to address child sex abuse and human trafficking in the classroom.
  • Keeping inappropriate sexual material out of public schools.
  • How private schools, education service providers, and students opt into the LEARNS Act’s school choice program.
  • How home schoolers may opt into the school choice program.

The LEARNS Act delegates a great deal of authority to the State Board of Education. That means the LEARNS Act is important, but the serious debate over school choice — and other aspects of the LEARNS Act — will take place at the State Board of Education in the coming months.

The State Board of Education will propose the rules implementing the LEARNS Act, and lawmakers and the public will then be able to have a say about what the State Board of Education proposes.

We look forward to being part of that rulemaking process at the State Board of Education.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.

Family Council Supports Giving Parents, Children Options in Education

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — On Wednesday Family Council announced the pro-family organization supports passing a school choice measure in Arkansas this year.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “Our organization has always believed families deserve options when it comes to education. Home schooling is a great example of how giving families options can help their children flourish. Family Council has supported home schooling for more than 25 years, because it empowers parents to give their son or their daughter the education that’s right for them. Home schooling in Arkansas has been incredibly successful as a result. Governor Sanders and members of the General Assembly intend to pass good school choice legislation this year. We want to work with our friends to pass legislation that will help Arkansas families without regulating nonpublic school students.”

Cox said many Arkansans are bothered by changes they see in public education. “A lot of families feel like public education has deteriorated over the years, and they don’t like the direction it’s heading. For those families, school choice legislation could give them real alternatives that will help their children succeed. This is a critical issue for families, and our organization plans to address it.”

Family Council is a conservative education and research organization based in Little Rock with a mission of promoting, protecting, and strengthening traditional family values.
