Family Council estimates that at least 463 home schooled students took part in interscholastic activities alongside public and private school students in 2021.
The figure is based on reports obtained from the Arkansas Department of Education via the state’s Freedom of Information Act.
The reports showed 463 students were assigned code numbers indicating they were home schoolers participating in interscholastic activities at a public school.
In 2013 the Arkansas Legislature passed a law letting home schooled students participate in interscholastic activities at local public schools.
The measure is sometimes referred to as a “Tim Tebow Law,” because former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow was able to play football as a home schooler thanks to a similar law in Florida.
Over the years, Arkansas’ “Tim Tebow” law has expanded to apply to interscholastic activities at local private schools and public schools in neighboring school districts as well.
The law gives home schoolers the opportunity to play sports and participate in extracurricular activities just like any other student. It’s a good law that Family Council has been pleased to support over the years.
Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.