On Tuesday the House Education Committee failed to pass HB1789, the “Tim Tebow Home School Law.” This law would have allowed home schooled students to participate in public school extracurricular activities. The bill received only 7 votes from the 20-member committee. Rep. Mark Lowery (R-Maumelle) is planning to present the bill again on Thursday. The Arkansas Education Association, the Arkansas School Board Association, the Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators, and the Arkansas Activities Association testified against the bill in committee today, and all are trying to kill it.
Anyone who wants to see this bill pass should contact members of the committee listed below. Below is a list of the members of the House Education Committee and how they voted on HB1789 today.
Voted for the Bill
Rep. Les Carnine – 501-247-4395; lescarninerep94@cox.net
Rep. Jon Eubanks – 479-438-0533; jseubanks@hotmail.com
Rep. Bruce Cozart – 501-627-3232; bccci@cablelynx.com
Rep. Charlotte Douglas – 479-632-2187; douglasforarkansas@yahoo.com
Rep. Mark Lowery – 501-837-5221; markdlowery@mac.com
Rep. Mark Biviano – 501-230-5752; mkbiv@cablelynx.com
Rep. Ann Clemmer – 501-912-4893; avclemmer@sbcglobal.net
Voted Against the Bill
Rep. Homer Lenderman – 870-926-7914; homerlenderman@hotmail.com
Rep. John Catlett – 479-495-9662; jcatlett@arkwest.com
Rep. Gary Deffenbaugh – 479-719-8197; garydeffenbaugh@hotmail.com
Rep. James Ratliff – 870-275-4425; jamesratliff3468@yahoo.com
Rep. Charles Armstrong – 501-224-5071; ffa191@sbcglobal.net
Rep. Brent Talley – brent.talley@uacch.edu
Rep. Robert Dale – 479-970-3503; redale70@yahoo.com
Rep. John Edwards – 501-680-5248; jcedwardslaw@aol.com
Did Not Vote
Rep. Karen Hopper – 870-421-7560; karen.hopper@arkansashouse.org
Rep. Jody Dickinson – jdickinson20@gmail.com
Rep. Sheilla Lampkin – 870-723-6449; dslampkin@hughes.net
Rep. Debra Hobbs – 479-236-0139; dhobbs55@sbcglobal.net
Rep. James McLean – 870-613-0617; vote.james.mclean@gmail.com
Note: Rep. McLean is the chairman of the committee; generally, committee chairs do not vote on a bill unless the bill appears to be one vote shy of passing.
Call or email the members of the committee. Ask them to vote for HB1789, the “Tim Tebow Home School Law.” You can leave a message at the House switchboard during normal business hours. Call 501-682-6211. Be sure to thank the representatives who voted for the bill today.
Rhoda Yost