Planned Parenthood to Spend $16M on Pro-Abortion Advertising

This spring Planned Parenthood Federation and Planned Parenthood Action Fund announced it would spend a total of $16 million on pro-abortion paid media advertisements.

According to a press release, the multimillion dollar ad campaign will “educate and increase urgency around the abortion access crisis facing the country.” The ads reportedly are intended to reach minorities and young adults across the nation.

This is not the first time that Planned Parenthood has used its financial resources to promote its pro-abortion agenda.

In April, Family Council reported that Planned Parenthood has spent nearly $3,000 electioneering in Arkansas this year alone.

In 2020 Planned Parenthood Federation announced it would spend at least $45 million in an effort to unseat pro-life lawmakers and elect candidates who support abortion.

As part of that plan, the group used its PAC in Arkansas to support candidates for state and federal office.

Despite significant, pro-life victories, Planned Parenthood remains active in Arkansas and elsewhere, and it could show more activity in the coming months.

Pro-Abortion Volunteers Play Music, Block Pro-Lifers Outside Surgical Abortion Facility

On Tuesday Family Council received video showing pro-abortion volunteers apparently attempting to block pro-lifers from making contact with women at Little Rock Family Planning Services.

Little Rock Family Planning Services is Arkansas’ only surgical abortion facility.

Last week Family Council reported on an ambulance dispatched to the facility as the result of an apparent botched abortion.

Tuesday’s video appears to show pro-abortion volunteers standing on the facility’s property line, using umbrellas and music to prevent pro-life volunteers from engaging in outreach at the facility.

Below is video provided to Family Council.

Pro-lifers routinely gather outside the facility for peaceful prayer and to talk with women about pro-life alternatives. Multiple unborn children have been saved from abortion because of their ministry.

Some pro-life groups estimate the “no-show” rate for abortion appointments can go to as high as 75% when people pray in front of an abortion facility.

The fact that pro-abortion volunteers would engage in activity that seems to be intended to stop pro-lifers from making contact with women at the abortion facility speaks volumes about how effective this pro-life ministry is.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.