Arkansas Right to Life Holds Press Conference Against Abortion Amendment

On Wednesday Arkansas Right to Life held a press conference at the capitol encouraging Arkansans not to sign the abortion amendment petition.

Arkansas Right to Life Executive Director Rose Mimms said the amendment is more extreme than Roe v. Wade and would legalize abortions on healthy mothers carrying healthy children.

Watch their press conference below.

Video: Abortion Drugs are High-Risk. We must hold the FDA Accountable for Removing Commonsense Safeguards.

The following video and commentary are from our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom.

When the FDA initially approved abortion drugs mifepristone and misoprostol, it did so with safety standards meant to protect women and girls. These standards were necessary because abortion drugs are high-risk–just ask Elizabeth Gillette.

Elizabeth experienced some of the complications that are far too common after taking abortion drugs, including intense pain and prolonged bleeding. During this time, she didn’t have a doctor or a nurse to help her navigate her suffering.

Ever since the FDA removed virtually all of its safety standards, many women and girls are at an increased risk of going through the same pain that Elizabeth did. That’s a fate that no one should have to suffer. Women and girls must have the ongoing care of a doctor when taking high-risk abortion drugs, and that’s why Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys are asking the Supreme Court to hold the FDA accountable.

FDA v. AHM case details:… #Women #Safety #Health #FDA

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