40 Days for Life Starts Tomorrow!

40 Days for Life starts tomorrow, Wednesday, February 22! This is your opportunity to take a stand for life by praying outside an abortion facility.

40 Days for Life efforts will be conducted in Little Rock and Fayetteville. If you would like to learn more about the Little Rock effort, click here. If you would like to learn more about the Fayetteville effort, click here.

We will keep you posted about how this 40 Days for Life campaign goes with news from Arkansas and across the country!

Iowa Ultrasound Bill Clears House Subcommittee

An Iowa legislative committee has cleared a bill requiring doctors to perform an ultrasound allowing a woman to see her unborn baby before undergoing an abortion. The bill is similar to legislation being weighed by Virginia, and proposed Arkansas legislation that would have required doctors to allow a woman to listen to her baby’s heartbeat before performing an abortion.

Click here to read more about the bill.