Abortion Amendment Would Nullify Informed-Consent Laws, Write Abortion into Arkansas Constitution

This article is part of an ongoing series tracking the Arkansas Abortion Amendment of 2024 and examining its effects on state law.

On Tuesday the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office certified a popular name and ballot title for the Arkansas Abortion Amendment of 2024 — meaning the measure’s sponsors can begin collecting petition signatures to place the amendment on the ballot this November.

The amendment prevents the state from restricting abortion during the first 18 weeks after fertilization — approximately 20 weeks gestation.

It also contains sweeping health exceptions for abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, and it nullifies all state abortion laws that conflict with the amendment.

In 2015, the Arkansas Legislature passed Act 1086, the Woman’s Right to Know Act, requiring abortionists to explain the abortion procedure — including its risks, its consequences, and its alternatives — before performing an abortion.

The Woman’s Right to Know Act passed with strong, bipartisan support in the Arkansas Legislature.

Data from the Arkansas Department of Health indicates that from August 1, 2015, to June 24, 2022, over 3,500 women chose not to have abortions after receiving the information outlined in this one law.

The Arkansas Abortion Amendment of 2024 would write unrestricted abortion into the Arkansas Constitution, and it would nullify laws like the 2015 Woman’s Right to Know Act.

Under this amendment, lawmakers and voters would lose the ability to enact abortion restrictions — including restrictions that people on both sides of the aisle have supported in the past.

You can download a copy of the amendment here.

Group Approved to Circulate Petitions for Amendment Writing Abortion into Arkansas Constitution

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Little Rock, Ark. – On Tuesday the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office certified a popular name and ballot title for the Arkansas Abortion Amendment of 2024. The measure’s sponsors now can begin collecting the 90,704 petition signatures necessary to place the measure on the ballot this November.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “This is a radical amendment legalizing abortion in a way Arkansas has never seen before. It writes abortion into the Arkansas Constitution. It erases virtually all of Arkansas’ pro-life laws, and it allows abortion on demand without restriction through the first eighteen weeks of pregnancy. As many as three thousand unborn children could be aborted in Arkansas each year because of this amendment, and the State of Arkansas would be powerless to prevent it.”

Cox said the amendment prevents Arkansas’ lawmakers from enacting basic abortion regulations. “Under this amendment, lawmakers and voters would lose the ability to enact even basic abortion regulations. The measure says abortion cannot be restricted at all during the first eighteen weeks after fertilization. That means abortionists won’t be required to have parental consent before performing an abortion on an underage girl. Abortionists won’t be required to explain the abortion procedure to the woman beforehand. These are requirements that people on both sides of the aisle have supported in the past, but this amendment would prevent them.”

Cox said the amendment also fails to address basic health and safety standards for abortion. “Nothing in this amendment requires abortionists to be licensed to practice medicine in Arkansas. It doesn’t require abortionists to follow basic health and safety standards. It doesn’t ensure that abortion facilities will be licensed or inspected. Courts could use it to require the State of Arkansas to pay for abortions with taxpayer funds. These are serious flaws with the amendment.”

Cox said the amendment likely would result in thousands of unborn children aborted every year, if passed. “Prior to the 2022 Dobbs decision, there were upwards of three thousand or more elective abortions performed in Arkansas each year during the first eighteen weeks of pregnancy. If this amendment passes, we estimate that at least that many unborn children would be aborted each year. For those thousands of children, this amendment literally is a matter of life and death. That’s the most serious problem with this measure.”


Photo Credit: By jordanuhl7 [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Group Raises $12K for Arkansas Abortion Amendment Campaign

Arkansans for Limited Government raised $12,080 for its abortion amendment effort in December, according to reports filed with the Arkansas Ethics Commission last week.

All told, the group has $14,010 at its disposal.

In November the organization asked Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin’s office to certify the popular name and ballot title of an amendment permanently enshrining abortion in the Arkansas Constitution.

The A.G.’s team has rejected the amendment’s language twice, citing ambiguities in the measure’s wording.

If approved, this amendment would write abortion into the Arkansas Constitution, erase decades of good, pro-life laws, and put women and unborn children at risk.

Family Council has worked for nearly 35 years to promote and protect the sanctity and dignity of innocent human life in Arkansas. We are firmly committed to stopping abortion in our state.