Justice Scalia: “Madness” to Let Justices Decide Constitution’s Meaning

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia declared yesterday that it’s “absolute madness” to allow the nine Supreme Court justices to decide the Constitution means whatever they say.

Scalia was speaking in part of abortion, which he says the Constitution is completely silent on. He argues that because of that fact, the court had no right to issue its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide.

Read the entire AP article here.

Missouri Considers Rights of Conscience Law

Missouri is considering a law that would uphold a healthcare worker’s right of conscience.

The bill would protect healthcare professionals from discrimination if they refuse to participate in an abortion or other objectionable procedure. It sounds at least somewhat similar to Healthcare Freedom of Conscience Act Rep. David Meeks sponsored last year in the Arkansas Legislature; that bill, however, failed to make it out of committee.

Read more about Missouri’s proposal here.

Read Rep. Meeks’ proposed bill here.