Arkansas Legislature Passes Bill Protecting Children From Gender-Reassignment Surgeries

Sen. Clark presents H.B. 1570 in the Arkansas Senate.

On Monday the Arkansas Senate Public Health Committee passed H.B. 1570, the Save Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act. The bill previously passed with overwhelming support in the Arkansas House of Representatives.

This good bill by Rep. Robin Lundstrum (R – Springdale) and Sen. Alan Clark (R – Lonsdale) prohibits sex-reassignment procedures on children in Arkansas.

The bill also prevents funding of sex-reassignment procedures performed on children.

Gender-reassignment surgeries can leave children sterilized and scarred for life.

Medical researchers do not know the long term effects these procedures and therapies can have on kids. That is why many people equate them with experimenting on children.

The bill now goes to Governor Hutchinson to become law.

Governor Signs Two Good Bills Into Law

Gov. Hutchinson signs legislation in this file photo from 2015.

Last week Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed two really good bills into law.

The first was S.B. 354 protecting fairness in women’s sports.

It prevents biological males who identify as female from competing in women’s athletics at school. It is now Act 461 of 2021.

The second is S.B. 289 protecting healthcare workers’ rights of conscience.

It prevents healthcare workers in Arkansas from being forced to perform medical procedures that violate their deeply held convictions. It is now Act 462 of 2021.

These are two really great pieces of legislation that Family Council strongly supports.

We are grateful to Arkansas’ lawmakers for passing these good bills, and we are grateful to Gov. Hutchinson for signing them into law.

This year the Arkansas Legislature has passed several laws promoting, protecting, and strengthening traditional family values. Arkansans should be proud of their elected officials for supporting such good legislation.

See How Your Representative Voted on Protecting Fairness in Girls’ Sports

On Monday the Arkansas House of Representatives passed S.B. 354.

This good bill by Sen. Missy Irvin (R – Mountain View) and Rep. Sonia Barker (R -Smackover) would prevent male student athletes from competing against girls in women’s athletics. This would protect fairness for girls’ sports at school in Arkansas.

The bill passed by a vote of 75 to 18, with seven state representatives not voting. It has been sent to Gov. Hutchinson to become law.

Below is a breakdown of how each state representative voted on S.B. 354.

Voted FOR S.B. 354

  • Barker
  • Beatty Jr.
  • Beck
  • Bentley
  • S. Berry
  • M. Berry
  • Boyd
  • Bragg
  • Breaux
  • Brooks
  • Brown
  • Bryant
  • Carr
  • Cavenaugh
  • Christiansen
  • Cloud
  • Coleman
  • C. Cooper
  • Cozart
  • Crawford
  • Dalby
  • M. Davis
  • Deffenbaugh
  • Dotson
  • Eaves
  • Eubanks
  • Evans
  • C. Fite
  • L. Fite
  • Fortner
  • Furman
  • D. Garner
  • Gazaway
  • Gonzales
  • M. Gray
  • Haak
  • Hawks
  • Hillman
  • Holcomb
  • Hollowell
  • Jean
  • L. Johnson
  • Ladyman
  • Lowery
  • Lundstrum
  • Lynch
  • Maddox
  • J. Mayberry
  • McClure
  • McCollum
  • M. McElroy
  • McGrew
  • McKenzie
  • McNair
  • S. Meeks
  • Milligan
  • Payton
  • Penzo
  • Pilkington
  • Ray
  • Richmond
  • Rye
  • Slape
  • B. Smith
  • S. Smith
  • Speaks
  • Tollett
  • Tosh
  • Underwood
  • Vaught
  • Wardlaw
  • Warren
  • Watson
  • Wing
  • Womack

Voted AGAINST S.B. 354

  • F. Allen
  • Clowney
  • A. Collins
  • Ennett
  • D. Ferguson
  • Fielding
  • V. Flowers
  • Godfrey
  • M. Hodges
  • Hudson
  • Love
  • Magie
  • McCullough
  • Perry
  • Richardson
  • Scott
  • Springer
  • D. Whitaker

Did Not Vote

  • K. Ferguson
  • Jett
  • Miller
  • Murdock
  • Nicks
  • Shepherd
  • Wooten