“See You at the Pole” is September 25

Besides being the annual Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students, September 25 is also See You At The Pole.

This is a day when students across the nation will gather around the flagpoles for a time of public prayer outside of normal school hours.

See You At The Pole provides students with an opportunity to exercise their constitutional rights, pray for their schools, and live out their faith—all at the same time.

Many churches work with students to host special events in conjunction with See You At The Pole.

We hope communities across Arkansas will make See You At The Pole a success this year. To learn more, visit syatp.com.

Mark Your Calendars: September 25 is the Annual Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students

The annual Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students is fast approaching.

Act 902 of 2021 directs the governor to annually proclaim the last Wednesday in September of each year as a Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students, and it calls upon the citizens of Arkansas to pray for students, teachers, administrators, and schools.

The Arkansas Department of Education’s Division of Elementary and Secondary Education is required to notify public school districts of the day of prayer as well.

Many communities are unaware of the annual day of prayer, and we want to make sure we spread the word to make this day a success.

We hope you will encourage churches and families in your community to set aside time to pray for Arkansas’ students and educators on Wednesday, September 25.

Visit DayOfPrayerAR.com to learn more!

Gov. Sanders Calls on Arkansas to Pray for Peace in Israel

Gov. Sanders recently issued a proclamation setting aside July 23 as “Pray for Peace in Israel Day in Arkansas.”

The proclamation notes that Arkansas is committed to promoting peace and justice, and that “the State of Arkansas recognizes the importance of fostering strong bonds of friendship and support” with Israel.

It recognizes the threats and challenges Israel faces today, and calls on the State of Arkansas to join in prayer for “the peace, security, and prosperity of Israel.”

A copy of the proclamation is available below.