AR Governor, Commissioner of Education Issue Calls for Prayer

Gov. Hutchinson signs legislation in this 2015 file photo.

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and Commissioner of Education Johnny Key have called on Arkansans to pray for students and educators on September 29.

Act 902 of 2021 establishes a Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students on the last Wednesday of September each year.

The governor’s prayer proclamation reads,

WHEREAS: We unite in prayer, approaching the throne of God with confidence, as we ask for wisdom and guidance for the students of Arkansas throughout this school year; and

WHEREAS: We acknowledge our deep reliance on God to guide us through our academic endeavors and these challenging times; and

WHEREAS: We join in faith and prayer, seeking the Lord’s wisdom above all, and we humbly ask for God’s guidance, peace, and strength for students in Arkansas and our nation; and

WHEREAS: Students, teachers, and administrators of our State are afforded the privilege of prayer, affirming our spiritual heritage and the principles upon which our nation was founded; and

WHEREAS: Recognizing the love and power of God, we unite with fellow citizens to exercise the freedom we have to gather in prayer with thankfulness while seeking guidance, provision, protection and purpose for the benefit of every individual and our state as a whole; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ASA HUTCHINSON, Governor of the State of Arkansas, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the laws of the State of Arkansas, do hereby proclaim September 29th, 2021, as A DAY OF PRAYER FOR ARKANSAS STUDENTS across the state, and I urge all citizens of all faiths and backgrounds to voluntarily join in prayer for the success and safety of our students.

On Thursday Commissioner of Education Johnny Key issued a memo notifying educators that September 29 is a day of prayer and that Governor Hutchinson had issued a proclamation asking Arkansans to pray for students, teachers, and administrators.

We are grateful to Senator Hill and Representative Cooper for sponsoring Act 902 and to the legislature for passing this good measure into law. We also want to thank Governor Hutchinson and Commissioner Key for recognizing September 29 as the state’s first annual Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students. And we want to encourage Arkansans everywhere to pause this coming Wednesday to pray for our students, our teachers, and our school administrators.

News: Release: First Annual Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

One week from today on September 29, 2021, will mark the first annual Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students. The Arkansas Legislature passed Act 902 this past legislative session establishing an annual Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students.

This good law by Senator Ricky Hill (R – Cabot) and Representative Cameron Cooper (R – Romance) directs the Governor to annually proclaim the last Wednesday in September of each year as “A Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students,” and it calls upon the citizens of Arkansas to pray for students, teachers, administrators, and schools.

Jerry Cox, President of Family Council, said that establishing an annual day of prayer for our students, teachers, administrators, and schools is now needed more than ever. “We are grateful to Senator Hill and Representative Cooper for sponsoring this good bill and for the legislature for passing it into law,” said Cox. “We also want to thank Governor Hutchinson for issuing a Proclamation declaring September 29 as the first annual Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students.”

Many communities are unaware of this new state law that will be observed statewide, and we want to make sure we spread the word to make this day a success. The Division of Elementary and Secondary Education is required to notify public school districts of the day of prayer. “You can let your pastor know, notify your school board, superintendent, principal, or teachers and let them know about the new law,” said Cox. “If the school has any Christian clubs such as FCA, notify the faculty sponsor or member of the group and remember to pray for students in private school and those enrolled in a home school.”

Family Council is a conservative education and research organization based in Little Rock.


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

See You At The Pole Coming Wednesday, September 22

See You At The Pole is coming up on Wednesday, September 22.

This is an annual event when students gather outside of school hours around flagpoles at schools, churches, and other locations nationwide to pray and worship.

While courts have ruled that teachers cannot lead students in prayer in the classroom, the Constitution and federal law generally protect students’ rights to pray, read scripture, and form religious groups or clubs on campus — provided that they do not disrupt school activities.

See You At The Pole is a great way for students to lift up their communities in prayer. It’s also a great way that students exercise their religious liberties.