Biden’s HHS Secretary Says Federal Law Doesn’t Ban Partial-Birth Abortion

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra

On Wednesday President Biden’s federal Health and Human Services Secretary, Xavier Becerra, reportedly told members of congress, “There is no law that deals specifically with the term partial-birth abortion. We have clear precedent in the law on the rights that women have to reproductive health care, and we will follow the law and protect the rights of all Americans to their healthcare”

In 2003 President George W. Bush signed the federal Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act.

The law specifically prohibits partial-birth abortion under federal law. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the law as constitutional in 2007.

However, Secretary Becerra claims that federal law does not specifically address partial-birth abortion.

Arkansas’ U.S. Senator Tom Cotton was quick to condemn Becerra’s comments, telling the Daily Caller News Foundation, “It’s no surprise that a pro-abortion radical like Xavier Becerra is trying to ignore the law banning partial-birth abortion—he voted against it when he was a congressman. . . . Becerra is an officer of the United States government. He doesn’t get to pick and choose which laws to enforce and which to ignore.”

Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge also released a statement on Twitter, saying,

The Biden administration and Biden’s HHS Secretary are planting their first step in trying to make Partial Birth Abortions legal. As someone who helped pioneer Arkansas as the most pro-life state in the country, I won’t stand for it!

All of this underscores why it’s so important for states like Arkansas to keep passing good, pro-life laws.

In 2009 the Arkansas Legislature passed Act 196, The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act.

Act 196 is similar to the federal law congress passed in 2003. It prohibits partial-birth abortion in Arkansas.

Even if the federal ban on partial-birth abortion went away, Arkansas’ law would remain in place, protecting unborn children from abortion.

Back in 2009 some people questioned why Arkansas needed to pass Act 196 if congress had already prohibited partial-birth abortion. But Secretary Becerra’s latest comments show why we should pass pro-life legislation at the state level as well as the federal level.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Governor Signs New Abortion Restrictions in Arkansas

Rep. Cloud presents S.B. 388 in the Arkansas House.

On Tuesday Gov. Hutchinson signed S.B. 388 into law. The measure is now Act 949 of 2021.

This good law by Sen. Charles Beckham (R – McNeil) and Rep. Joe Cloud (R – Russellville) requires any facility that performs abortions to be licensed by the Arkansas Department of Health as an abortion facility.

Act 949 also prohibits abortions in hospitals except in cases of medical emergency.

The measure previously passed the Arkansas Senate and the Arkansas House with strong support.

Under current law, clinics are not required to be licensed or inspected as abortion facilities unless they perform more than ten abortions in a month.

That means that a clinic potentially could perform upwards of 100 or more abortions per year without being licensed or inspected by the State of Arkansas as an abortion facility.

Act 949 addresses this shortcoming in Arkansas law.

This will make it easier for the Arkansas Department of Health to enforce the good, pro-life laws that legislators have implemented over the years. It will ensure that every clinic that performs abortions is licensed and inspected, and that Arkansas’ laws against abortion are properly followed.

Act 949 will make it easier for the Arkansas Department of Health to identify and shut down facilities performing occasional abortions if the facilities aren’t complying with Arkansas’ other pro-life laws.

This is a pro-life law that has the potential to do a lot of good in Arkansas.

Rev. Franklin Graham Urges Gov. Hutchinson to Sign SAFE Act

On Wednesday night Rev. Franklin Graham of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse urged Gov. Asa Hutchinson to sign H.B. 1570, the Save Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act.

This good bill by Rep. Robin Lundstrum (R – Springdale) and Sen. Alan Clark (R – Lonsdale) prohibits sex-reassignment procedures on children in Arkansas.

The bill also prevents funding of sex-reassignment procedures performed on children.

Gender-reassignment surgeries can leave children sterilized and scarred for life.

Medical researchers do not know the long term effects these procedures and therapies can have on kids. That is why many people equate them with experimenting on children.

Rev. Graham asked that “God would give the Governor of Arkansas a thick skin” and that the governor would do the right thing for Arkansans.

You can watch a short clip of Rev. Graham below.