Proposed Fayetteville Ordinance Could Have “Chilling Effect” on Business

I have been told by friends in Northwest Arkansas that the Fayetteville City Council is receiving 300 emails a day over its Proposed Chapter 119 ordinance. That’s great news!

This is an issue all Arkansans need to weigh in on, and it’s important that members of the council hear from as many people as possible.

The ordinance, as we have said before, threatens to infringe on the rights of churches as well as religious business people in Fayetteville.

You can read a full analysis of how the proposed ordinance affects religious liberty here.

It is also important to note that the ordinance has the potential to impact secular business owners. The ordinance makes it possible for businesses to face criminal prosecution if suspected of discrimination. Even if the allegations turn out to be totally false, a business might still be forced to spend thousands of dollars defending itself in court. For many small businesses, legal fees like those can be a death sentence. (more…)

Do You Watch ‘Game of Thrones’?

John Stonestreet with the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview recently recorded a one-minute commentary on the way “Christians twist themselves into pretzels in order to be ‘relevant.'”

One of the ways Stonestreet points out Christians do this is by watching popular television shows like ‘Game of Thrones’ that contain unprecedented levels of nudity and violence.

Listen to his commentary below.

[audio:|titles=John Stonestreet – Culture, Christians and Holiness]

So we want to know: Do you watch ‘Game of Thrones’? Leave us a comment on Facebook or on our blog.

Anti-Hobby Lobby Bill Introduced in U.S. Senate

The following is a news alert from the American Family Association:

Following last week’s Hobby Lobby ruling by the Supreme Court that Hobby Lobby does not have to pay for employee’s abortion drugs and coverage under ObamaCare, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and his liberal comrades wasted no time introducing an “Anti-Hobby Lobby” bill. Read Harry Reid’s racist comment about the Supreme Court.

Senators Patty Murray (D-WA) and Mark Udall (D-CO) quickly introduced legislation this week to completely ignore the rule of law under the Constitution and employ Obama-style politics.

Reid has promised to bypass all committees to put this on the “fast track.” This means a vote could take place as early as next week.

Under Murray’s Protect Women’s Health from Corporate Interference Act, the attack against Hobby Lobby goes much deeper than even ObamaCare does. It specifically strikes at the heart of religious liberty by nullifying the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and completely terminating exemptions for all business, even those run by Christians with deeply held convictions about abortion.

This bill dictates that employers cannot interfere in their employee’s decisions about contraception and other health services through discrimination by (from Sen. Murray’s website):

  • Banning employers from refusing to cover any health coverage – including contraceptive coverage – guaranteed to their employees and dependents under federal law.
  • Stating that all federal laws do not permit employers to refuse to comply with the ACA requirement, including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
  • Including the exemption from the contraceptive coverage requirement for houses of worship and the accommodation for religious non-profits.

This is a very demented and hate-filled attack on Hobby Lobby and people of faith everywhere. The Democratic leadership in the Senate is firmly resolute in promoting their evil agenda on two fronts. One is the killing of unborn children. The second is forcing Christians to pay for murder.


Urge your senators to reject Harry Reid and Patty Murray’s vindictive attempts to force Christians and Christian business owners to violate their faith.

Please urge your senators to reject the “Protect Women’s Health from Corporate Interference Act.”