John Stonestreet with the Colson Center for Christian Worldview has released an excellent commentary on the growing intolerance for basic religious liberty.
Exhibit A is the new Mississippi law that ensures that churches and other religious groups aren’t punished for declining to participate in weddings against their convictions, or for setting personnel and housing policies based on their deeply held beliefs.
Further, this law allows private businesses and schools to set their own policies for bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms. In that sense, the law models peaceful coexistence on very contentious social issues.
But one corporation, IBM is claiming that, “(T)his legislation will permit discrimination against people based on their marital status, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression.”
Not so, according to Jennifer Marshall. The law protects those with religious scruples from being discriminated against. “What the new law does,” she points out, “is to prevent discrimination by ensuring the government will not force people to violate their consciences in very specific contexts spelled out by the law.”
You can read Stonestreet’s full commentary here or listen to it below.
[audio:|titles=No Tolerance for Religious Tolerance?]Photo Credit: By Nevadaresident (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons.