The following press release is from Family Council Action Committee.
Little Rock – Arkansans Against Legalized Marijuana (AALM) today held a news conference in Little Rock and announced a bi-partisan majority of 84 members of the Arkansas General Assembly voicing their opposition to ballot issues 6 & 7.
These 84 members, including the Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, represent every geographic region of Arkansas.
House Speaker Jeremy Gillam issued the following statement: “Although I understand the need for compassionate care, I believe there is a better way than what is being offered to the voters of Arkansas with Issues 6 and 7. I encourage Arkansans to vote against these issues and work with legislators in the upcoming session to craft a responsible and compassionate solution.”
Senate President Pro Tempore Jonathan Dismang issued the following statement: “Many of us agree that there are medical compounds that can possibly be derived from marijuana, but we need to allow the medical community and the FDA to make those determinations, not those looking to simply profit off of Arkansans. Please vote no on issues 6 & 7.”
Please see full listing of the members below:
- Speaker Jeremy Gillam
- Rep. Andy Davis
- Rep. Bob Ballinger
- Rep. Brandt Smith
- Rep. Brent Talley
- Rep. Bruce Cozart
- Rep. Charlene Fite
- Rep. Charles Armstrong
- Rep. Charlie Collins
- Rep. Charlotte Vining Douglas
- Rep. Dan Douglas
- Rep. Dan Sullivan
- Rep. Dave Wallace
- Rep. David Branscum
- Rep. David Meeks
- Rep. Deborah Ferguson
- Rep. Donnie Copeland
- Rep. Douglas House
- Rep. Gary Deffenbaugh
- Rep. Grant Hodges
- Rep. James Ratliff
- Rep. James Sturch
- Rep. Jana Della Rosa
- Rep. Jim Dotson
- Rep. Joe Farrer
- Rep. Joe Jett
- Rep. John Baine
- Rep. John Payton
- Rep. Josh Miller
- Rep. Julie Mayberry
- Rep. Justin Gonzales
- Rep. Justin Harris
- Rep. Karilyn Brown
- Rep. Ken Bragg
- Rep. Kim Hammer
- Rep. Kim Hendren
- Rep. Lance Eads
- Rep. Lane Jean
- Rep. Lanny Fite
- Rep. Laurie Rushing
- Rep. Les Eaves
- Rep. Marcus Richmond
- Rep. Mark Lowery
- Rep. Mary Bentley
- Rep. Michelle Gray
- Rep. Mickey Gates
- Rep. Monte Hodges
- Rep. Nate Bell
- Rep. Nelda Speaks
- Rep. Prissy Hickerson
- Rep. Rebecca Petty
- Rep. Richard Womack
- Rep. Robin Lundstrum
- Rep. Ron McNair
- Rep. Stephen Meeks
- Rep. Steve Magie, M.D.
- Rep. Tim Lemons
- Rep. Trevor Drown
- Senator Alan Clark
- Senator Bart Hester
- Senator Blake Johnson
- Senator Bruce Maloch
- Senator Cecile Bledsoe
- Senator David Burnett
- Senator David Sanders
- Senator Eddie Cheatham
- Senator Eddie Joe Williams
- Senator Gary Stubblefield
- Senator Greg Standridge
- Senator Jake Files
- Senator Jane English
- Senator Jason Rapert
- Senator Jeremy Hutchinson
- Senator Jim Hendren
- Senator Jimmy Hickey
- Senator John Cooper
- Senate President Pro Tempore Jonathan Dismang
- Senator Larry Teague
- Senator Linda Collins-Smith
- Senator Missy Irvin
- Senator Ron Caldwell
- Senator Scott Flippo
- Senator Terry Rice
- Senator Uvalde Lindsey