Friends, we’re more than halfway through October, and you know what that means: Time to gear up for Christmas.
Yes, every year it seems the “most wonderful time of the year” comes a little earlier. Already, ads are popping up on TV promoting layaway programs and upcoming sales.
It used to be that Thanksgiving really marked the beginning of the Christmas season—and to a certain extent it still does—but with stores anxious for shoppers to start beating down the doors for the latest videogames and LED TVs, it’s becoming more and more common for Christmas trees to go up right alongside Jack-O-Lanterns and pilgrims.
I really do love this time of year. Thanksgiving and Christmas are my two favorite holidays, but I hope that amid all the lights, glitter, and pressure to run out and buy stuff, we can still approach the coming holidays remembering that Christmas and Thanksgiving are about celebrating God’s blessings He’s given us—namely His son, Jesus.
If we can do that, then I think we can live with Christmas Season starting before Deer Season.