On Wednesday FRC Action in Washington, D.C., issued a statement endorsing the proposed Arkansas Religious Freedom Amendment.
FRC Action is the legislative affiliate of Family Research Council.
In a nutshell, the proposed amendment to the Arkansas Constitution would:
- Guarantee that state and local laws will not infringe religious liberty.
- Enshrine protections for religious freedom into the Arkansas Constitution.
- Provide people with legal recourse if the government infringes their religious freedoms.
- Maintain balance in situations in which religious liberty conflicts with a compelling governmental interest.
Voters will decide whether or not to add the amendment to the Arkansas Constitution on Election Day this November.
Below is a copy of FRC Action’s statement endorsing the amendment.
This November, you will have the opportunity to make the Arkansas Religious Freedom Restoration Act part of the state constitution by referendum during the 2022 elections. Vote YES on this state ballot initiative to protect religious freedom in Arkansas!
Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (or RFRAs) are nothing new. More than half of the states have them by statute or by court precedent, but we know that religious liberty is under attack as never before. RFRAs simply prohibit the government from burdening religious freedom unless the government meets a high level of legal scrutiny. RFRAs give courts a tried-and-true balancing test for weighing a person’s sincerely held religious beliefs against legitimate state interests, protecting everyone with a conscience regardless of their religion, political views, the content of their beliefs, or how they apply those beliefs.
Arkansas passed a RFRA in 2015, and—despite the ACLU’s disingenuous advocacy—the sky hasn’t fallen: Discrimination isn’t rampant in in Arkansas, because courts know how to apply this balancing test very well. The Arkansas Religious Freedom Amendment would make Arkansas’ current law permanent. By enshrining protections for religious freedom into the Arkansas Constitution, the amendment would guarantee that (no matter who takes office in Little Rock in the future) state and local laws will not infringe religious liberty, provide people with legal recourse if the government infringes their religious freedoms, and maintain balance in situations in which religious liberty conflicts with a compelling governmental interest.
This November, vote YES on this amendment to ensure that the religious freedom of Arkansans is clearly protected for decades to come!
Family Council has analyzed the Arkansas Religious Freedom Amendment and provided information about it on our website. You can find that information here.