Wednesday, August 3, 2022
On Wednesday the State Board of Election Commissioners voted not to certify a ballot proposal to legalize marijuana in Arkansas.
Family Council President Jerry Cox issued a statement, saying, “This is good news. States that have legalized recreational marijuana have seen increases in drugged driving and traffic injuries. A growing body of medical research links marijuana with mental health problems. Arkansas simply does not need to legalize marijuana.”
Cox said the proposed amendment to legalize marijuana is misleading and poorly written. “The way the amendment is written, voters would not be able to understand this proposal. It repeals, replaces, and rewrites several parts of Arkansas’ medical marijuana amendment, and it adds new language to other parts of the Arkansas Constitution. It is unclear just how far-reaching some of these changes may be.”
Cox said Family Council will continue to oppose marijuana in Arkansas. “Marijuana is a multimillion dollar business, and the corporations who profit from it want to expand into Arkansas. Voters need to be prepared for the marijuana industry to work hard to push its agenda in our state. Family Council remains committed to opposing marijuana in Arkansas.”