On Monday Family Council received a written statement from the former Executive Director of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention Dr. Don Moore opposing marijuana amendment Issue 4.

In his statement, Dr. Moore said,

“History as well as science is supposed to guide reasonable and responsible people. Science is clear that marijuana has a detrimental effect on brain acuity. History demonstrates that the homeless and many mass murderers have a record of marijuana use. Being guided by scripture, as well as science and history, it is inconceivable that a follower of Christ would favor expanding a gateway drug to the most damaging addictions known to man.”

“Read the small print. Provisions of issue # 4 set forth protections and limitations not made on other Amendments to the Constitution. For every tax $1.00 gained by Colorado, a recreational marijuana state, the the state has had added expenditures of $4.56. No state has demonstrated that streets are safer and quality of life is better where marijuana is sold as a recreational drug. It is still an unnecessary ‘Drug.'”

Last month the current Executive Director of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention Dr. Sonny Tucker and the Arkansas Baptist State Convention itself released statements opposing Issue 4.

Dr. Tucker’s statement said,

“As followers of Christ, we are called to love our neighbor as ourselves,” Dr. Tucker said. “Legalizing marijuana does not show love to our neighbors. Drug abuse hurts families and robs people of their God-given potential. Over the past ten years we have seen those problems worsen in states that have legalized marijuana. All of us know someone who has been devastated by drug use. Issue 4 would devastate many communities in Arkansas.”