Last year Family Council cast a vision for networking with churches and helping them be salt and light in Arkansas’ political process.

Family Council hired Dr. Jim Lagrone to spearhead our Church Ambassador Network. Jim is the former president of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, and he has been in ministry for over 40 years. Jim also worked for several years as an independent contractor with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

The Church Ambassador Network’s purpose is not to turn preachers into lobbyists. Church Ambassador is a process that is nonpartisan — not bipartisan, but nonpartisan.

Church Ambassador is not a conservative political organization. It is a nonpartisan ministry.

This is a network that builds relationships between church leaders and our elected leaders regardless of their political leanings, and helps those leaders see the church as a vital resource. 

Email to learn more about this vital ministry, or if you are a church leader who wants to get involved, fill out the form below to join today.